Case Study: Triple E accelerates staff of car sales business - Triple e Training

Case Study: Triple E accelerates staff of car sales business

Car sales business accelerates AET for staff

Triple E Training’s quality adult education and training (AET) is not only for low- and unskilled blue-collar workers. Our AET is also improving the literacy and numeracy skills of employees involved in customer service, sales and general office administrative workers. These roles demand excellent communication skills because they entail engaging with existing or potential customers. Staff who can answer customers’ questions correctly and provide them with solutions demonstrate customer service excellence. In highly competitive industries where customers can easily take their business elsewhere simply because they do not feel valued, sales and service teams always need to be on top of their game. A case in point is the new and used vehicle sales industry. When it comes to vehicle brands and dealers that sell and keep them running, customers are spoilt for choice and will go or stay where they are treated well.

This is the reason one of the country’s leading used and new vehicle sales companies approached us to upskill its teams who engage regularly with its many customers. They include parts managers and service advisors; call centre operators; and personal assistants, most of whom have not completed Grade 9 – let alone matric. Due to very tight production schedules, the company has had very little time for training staff, especially considering that previous attempts to upskill employees had largely been a failure due to the inadequacies of training providers. It was, therefore, time to engage the country’s foremost provider of adult education and training (AET).

Low skills place a spanner in the works

A quarter of South African customers screened in a recent survey will leave companies after one poor experience. Meanwhile, 63% of the survey participants will look elsewhere after only between two and five bad examples of customer service. Notably, more than 80% of the customers surveyed said that they would pay more to buy products or services from businesses that provided them with a satisfactory customer experience. This is the value that they place on customer experience.

However, engaging meaningfully with customers requires communication skills at a certain level, and this is in short supply.

Even many entry level employees with a matric certificate cannot read for meaning due to the poor quality of education that they received at school. Generally, English language teachers at

schools in poor areas of the country have an average Grade 9 level profile. This means that many of their students only have a Grade 8 English literacy skill profile by the time that they matriculate. Therefore, they are considered functionally illiterate which means that they cannot apply their literacy and numeracy skills in real-life applications.

This is also contributing to the high school dropout rate. Students who do not acquire foundational literacy and numeracy skills early on in school will struggle to learn other subjects and eventually drop out. At present only 37,6% of South African adults have a National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification. This limits their earning capacity; raises their chances of unemployment; and increases their likelihood of experiencing financial instability. It is also fuelling a severe skills crisis in the country that hampers economic growth.

Revved up and ready to go

We have assessed the literacy and numeracy skills of the employees who have been selected to participate in our AET programme. This has enabled us to determine the true extent of these skills gaps and the most practical and effective way to address them. For example, we have advised our client that most of the employees will have to complete AET numeracy Levels 2 and 3 before starting our Rapid Effective Accelerated Life-Long Learning (REALL). This innovative programme, consisting of communication in English and mathematical literacy training at National Qualifications Framework 2 to 4, significantly accelerates upskilling.

Working closely with our client, we also tailored our adult literacy and numeracy training programmes to address its specific workplace literacy skills gaps. In this way, we have ensured that the training has a maximum positive impact on workplace productivity as soon as possible. Employees start using their skills in the workplace as soon as they leave the classroom.

Due to tight schedules, the client has requested that we facilitate training on Saturdays. This will be conducted at the company’s premises. Employees who cannot attend classes on these days, will participate in our online training. It provides learners with the same high-quality training that they would conventionally receive from Triple E Training in a classroom environment but just in a digital setting. Training is facilitated in real time by a skilled and experienced AET training facilitator. There are no recordings or instruction videos that detract from the learning experience.

Learn more about Triple E Training and how we are establishing the benchmark in adult literacy and numeracy training.

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