Mining company invested in quality community training
Triple E Training has a long and proud history of uplifting poor communities through the provision of quality adult education. With a vast national footprint, we can reach the remotest communities where illiteracy and innumeracy are rife. Furthermore, we bring extensive experience working in these communities. This includes recruiting members of these societies to participate in our courses and ensuring that they complete them as part of our clients’ important corporate-social investment (CSI) projects. Importantly, we are also an ethical company with our many learners’ interests always at heart. Accredited by Umalusi Council, which sets high standards for adult education, we can guarantee that our training interventions will always have the desired impact in communities where it is needed the most.
These skills and experience were recently harnessed by a mining company to ensure the success of adult education in a community from where it sources its labour. Due to the limitations of other training providers, the company struggled to get this initiative off the ground for about three years. It, therefore, decided to engage the country’s foremost leader in the field once and for all. The company has since never looked back. We will be tasked with facilitating all of the company’s many community AET projects moving forward.
Communities are deprived a basic human right
While the quality of basic education is notoriously poor throughout the country, it is especially problematic in the rural areas. This is considering that these areas are generally remote and relatively underdeveloped. As a result, many schools in outlying areas of the country do not have physical resources and basic infrastructure for water and sanitation, as well as electricity. This is not to mention the lack of information and communication infrastructure, which improves access to education. Very few of these schools have well-resourced libraries – if any at all.
Parents and other caregivers in these areas are also usually very poor. This also places learners in the rural areas at a disadvantage as these schools are deprived the fees that they need to provide quality education. They also do not receive sufficient financial support from already-stretched provincial education departments. Parents of children who attend these schools also cannot afford additional school requirements, such as stationary and cleaning materials, which also impacts negatively on the learning experience.
In many instances, teachers in these schools have to teach different subjects and grades in one class. They, therefore, have the almost impossible task of planning lessons for each day and period, while also teaching different grades; conducting assessment tasks for learners; and maintaining discipline.
Because many parents in these areas are functionally illiterate, they tend to prioritise work over education. It is not uncommon for mothers and fathers to expect their children to skip classes to work so that they can help provide for their families. They are also unable to help their children with their homework and do not read to them. This perpetuates the cycle of inter-generational illiteracy in these areas.
Government community learning centres in these areas have largely failed to deliver on their mandate to equip adults with basic education skills. Quality private adult education provides these communities with a second chance to learn the skills that they need to find jobs and lift themselves out of adject poverty. The skills that they learn also benefit their families and communities.
Here’s to more successful community adult education success
Triple E Training managed the entire project for this client, starting with the recruitment of the 10 learners. This relied on our expertise using various methods to find suitable candidates.
After three weeks of training, all of the candidates were found to be competent in their respective learning areas. They were motivated to attend all of our classes because they found our training relevant. The course was also again facilitated by a professional educator who knows how to keep adults engaged in learning.
Indeed, we are looking very forward to our next training assignment for this client.
Learn more about Triple E Training and how we are setting the yard stick very high for community adult training projects.