Our innovative GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership was designed by industry specifically for industry! In developing our unique training programme, we consulted widely with our clients.
They agree that despite the widespread adoption of technology, the role of blue-collar workers remains just as important as ever. These employees are still the backbone of our clients’ construction; transport logistics; mining; manufacturing; and agriculture businesses. While machines can perform mundane and repetitive tasks, they can only be operated by skilled employees. These personnel can communicate effectively and think analytically.
There are many more skills gaps that our clients have identified in their blue-collar workforce which our learnership successfully addresses. While further developing job-specific proficiencies in the workplace, staff also learn these so-called “soft” skills. These are taught in the work environment so that employees can start integrating them into their daily routines. Yes, we’re breaking down the artificial barrier between learning and working. This is to create a flexible, dynamic workforce that is needed right now – and not only in the future.
At Triple E Training, we refer to these 21st century employees as “new-collar” workers. This is because they straddle traditional blue- and white-collar work. In many of these “middle level” jobs, “soft” skills are just as important as “hard” or “technical” proficiencies. There are even new roles where “soft” skills supersede traditional blue-collar proficiencies in importance. Yes, technology may make jobs redundant but, at the same, it also creates many more in the process. According to SR1940_IFTFforDellTechnologies_Human-Machine_070517_readerhigh-res.pdf, at least 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 have not been invented yet! People have always been worried that machines would eventually replace work. A case in point is the spinning jenny which replaced weavers. However, people were needed to build it; supply parts; and constantly improve its performance.
GETC: AET/ABET learnership addresses skills gaps
Working with our clients, we have developed a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership that successfully addresses “soft” skills gaps. The learnership is underpinned by our robust workplace adult literacy and numeracy programmes. These fundamental learning areas are further developed and expanded by the inclusion of strategic core and elective subjects. For example, learners practice their language, literacy and communication skills across all of the other GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 subjects. The additional core of life orientation subject also develops learners’ social skills. This helps them to build healthy relationships in the workplace, strengthening their language, literacy and communication skills.
Meanwhile, the analytical skills developed by mathematical literacy are further refined in subjects such as natural sciences. Employees learn how to define problems; differentiate fact from opinion; and specify underlying causes. They know how to generate alternative solutions before evaluating and selecting alternatives. Thereafter, they can evaluate their selections relative to a target; implement suitable options; and follow up on their performance.
This ability, in particular, equips your operational teams with the skills that they need to work with sophisticated technologies. For example, they can embrace specialised apps for project management so that they can streamline tasks and collaborate seamlessly. These digital tools have become essential tools for “new”-collar work. Among others, they enable improved tracking of inventory; schedule management; and co-ordination between all project stakeholders.
Then there are the many smart tools and technologies that are being incorporated into daily routines. This is to enhance efficiency and accuracy. These range from advanced machinery on construction sites, quarries and mines through to diagnostic equipment used by diesel mechanics.
Employees who have completed our GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 can also use a myriad of technologies to communicate effectively. This, in turn, improves efficiency due to improved communication among team members.
GETC: AET/ABET learnership develops technology savvy
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 develops technology savvy employees. This is exactly what is needed to operate in increasingly automated and mechanised environments. Gaps can be closed by additional training because your employees possess the ability to learn.
In this way, you can better rally your employees to start complementing your machines. They can be moved into positions that demand technical or supervisory abilities to run and maintain automated systems. In addition, they can apply their knowledge to complex tasks which machines cannot do.
GETC: AET/ABET develops lifelong learners
In this way, GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 develops lifelong learners who can continue adapting to constantly evolving work processes. Stagnating in the same position is no longer an option. Industrious “new-collar” workers know that it is no longer just about what they knew when they started working. Rather, to remain relevant, they need to be willing to learn on the job! However, they must be equipped with the foundational skills to pursue vocational, occupational or academic learning paths.
A NQF 1 education is the bedrock of future learning. This is not only because your employees have learnt foundational skills. Importantly, they have also developed strong study habits and time management skills. This ensured that they were able to meet the requirements of both the theoretical and practical components of the learnership.
GETC: AET/ABET develops adaptable employees
Thus, GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 develops more adaptable employees. They can also participate in company-specific training programmes.
Attending original-equipment manufacturer’s operator training programmes, they can come to grip quickly with new technologies. This includes mastering their correct operation and maintenance to keep company property in tip-top condition. When a minor problem occurs, they can attend to it themselves. This is opposed to calling in a technician at a high cost to the company to solve a simple error. How many of your machine operators and even trainers have read the so-called “manual”?
Employees who have completed our training can also engage meaningfully in cross-training initiatives. By diversifying their skill sets, they can be deployed into new positions that are being created by new technologies. Of course, “new”-collar workers are also both specialists and multi-skilled. Many international blue-collar workers are now expected to master more than one trade. We are sure that you’ve also tried to find employees who can easily switch from being electricians to mechanics and back again! This need for “jacks of all trades” and “masters of all” will grow as more companies undergo the Fourth industrial Revolution.
Furthermore, they can pursue certification, enabling you to ensure compliance with quality, as well as health and safety standards. Certainly, environmental stewardship has also become increasingly important. For many industries, complying with these factors requires employees who are accredited to perform specific work functions.
Indeed, not all employees need to be certified. Nevertheless, they may; however, have to adopt new practices into their traditional roles at a whim. These may include “green” building techniques; energy and water efficient technologies; or environmentally responsible waste-disposal methods. Employees can only do so if they have the ability to learn new skills. This is irrespective of the technologies or processes deployed.
GETC: AET/ABET for changing workplaces
Our GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 has been specifically designed for changing blue-collar workplaces. They are not only becoming increasingly sophisticated in their processes and stricter in terms of safety, health, environment, risk and quality. Notably, the blue-collar working environment is also becoming more diverse and inclusive. Gender and racial stereotypes are being broken down.
For example, there has been an influx of women into fields that were previously mainly dominated by males. This will continue as companies continue to promote equal opportunities and targeted recruitment efforts. For example, 17% of all skilled technicians in the local mining industry are women. There has been a drastic increase in the number of women working in the mining industry over the years. In 2002, the industry employed 11 400 women. In 2019, 56 691 women were employed by our mining industry. This was about 12% of the industry’s total mining labour force of 454 861 people at the time [https://www.mineralscouncil.org.za/downloads/send/16-featured/896-women-in-mining-in-south-africa#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20women%20working,labour%20force%20of%20454%2C861%20people]!
Mining is but one industry that is increasingly placing a premium on diversity. However, companies are also recognising the importance of teams that consist of people of different backgrounds. Employees from different backgrounds bring unique perspective and skills. These complement their specific experiences. We are sure that you are already familiar with the extensive research that has been undertaken into the benefits of diversity. This includes Fundera’s research [https://www.fundera.com/resources/diversity-in-the-workplace-statistics#:~:text=Companies%20with%20equal%20men%20and,87%25%20better%20at%20making%20decisions]. It notes that racially and ethnically diverse companies are 35% more likely to perform better. Furthermore, they are 70% more able to capture and penetrate new markets!
By acknowledging and respecting cultural differences, team members help to foster working environments where everyone feels valued.
Skills taught by GETC: AET/ABET
But what exactly are the 21st century skills taught by our ground-breaking GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership?
First-and-foremost, we develop strong literacy, language and communication skills. This is because a harmonious workplace depends on effective communication. In sophisticated factories, every minute translates into productivity. Any delay by one employee impacts the entire team. Issues that need to be flagged, corrected or highlighted must be communicated.
Our learnership teaches your employees how to communicate with clarity and precision, reducing the likelihood of misinterpretation. Their active listening skills are also developed so that they can pay full attention to what others are saying. Furthermore, they learn how to pay attention to non-verbal cues to gauge how well their message has been received.
As part of their instruction, employees also learn important conflict avoidance skills. This is so that they can address concerns proactively, fostering an environment where misunderstandings are resolved before they escalate.
Many studies have shown that blue-collar workers were 1,5 times more at risk of stress compared to their white-collar counterparts. This can lead to conflicts. Perceived Stress Among Different Occupational Groups and the Interaction with Sedentary Behaviour – PMC (nih.gov) is an example of such a study.
GETC: AET/ABET teaches teamwork skills
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 teaches teamwork and collaboration skills. This is vitally important in most blue-collar work where objectives have to be shared. However, teamwork and collaboration transcend merely being able to work together.
Participants in our learnership learn how to collaborate with diverse team members. They respect different viewpoints and backgrounds to achieve common goals. Employees know how to resolve conflicts that occur in high-performance teams. This includes deploying techniques for negotiation and compromise to avoid disruptions to workflow. Importantly, workers also know how to problem-solve as a team. Working together, team members analyse issues; brainstorm solutions; and deicide on the most effective course of action.
Problem-solving is vital in modern workplaces. “New”-collar workers are increasingly performing more complex tasks and encountering unforeseen challenges. GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 develops these important analytical thinking skills. This is by teaching employees how to break problems into manageable components and then analyse root causes. Our learnership also teaches them how to “think out the box” to propose innovative solutions. Working at the heart of the operation, they must be able to propose ways of improving processes or address challenges. By learning how to balance available information and potential outcomes, employees also become effective decision-makers. This enables them to work independently without having to continuously consult colleagues and higher-ups for simple advice.
GETC: AET/ABET teaches organisational skills
Our GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership teaches organisational skills. From the get-go, employees have to learn to manage their time if they are going to succeed. This is also a skill that is further developed by life orientation.
“New”-collar workers can meet deadlines. They can prioritise tasks based on their importance and urgency. Furthermore, they can set achievable goals and timelines for themselves to complete their tasks on schedule. They also know how to minimise distractions and interruptions so that they remain focused on the task at hand.
GETC: AET/ABET develops EQ
However, the single most important trait that GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 develops is EQ! “New”-collar employees can think before they act. They never let their inability to control their emotions dictate their behaviours in the workplace.
The “new”-collar worker has an incredible ability to navigate emotionally charged situations. They have learnt how to recognise and understand their own emotions and reactions. Their ability to understand emotions and develop empathy enables them to relate to their colleagues and respond appropriately. They also can also handle the stress that comes with working in modern workplaces.
Learn more about Triple E Training and how we can help you to develop your “new”-collar workforce! www.eee.co.za