GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership - Triple e Training

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership

The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership [SAQA] was developed by industry for industry. This was done in consultation with all related stakeholders. Therefore, the learning programme imparts skills that are required for workplaces. In addition, businesses sponsoring the learnership have the opportunity to collaborate with a training provider to further customise the learning programme. In this way, they can better meet specific workplace literacy needs.

Learnerships have proved to be very effective in delivering the practical application of learning than most other formal qualifications. This is considering their intense focus on work experience. Learners acquire new knowledge and skills. These are immediately applied and tested in the workplace. Therefore, companies sponsoring learnerships raise skills levels and improve work performance simultaneously. 

The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership is no different, delivering exactly the same high quality training.

GETC: AET/ABET bridges divide

The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership essentially bridges the divide between classroom education and practical demands of the modern workforce. It acknowledges that expertise acquired within the confines of institutions must be tested, refined and practically applied with professional environments. All learnerships operate on exactly this premise.

Inspired by the traditional apprenticeship model, learnerships have been tailored to the contemporary context. They have been adapted to the ever-evolving landscape of industries. Their core purpose remains to mitigate the discrepancy between the skills taught at school and those actually required by workplaces. In this way, they address the continued problem of “skills mismatches”. In these instances, young adults have completed their education. However, they lack the practical skills and industry-specific knowledge demanded by employers.

Similar to other learnerships, GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 has the ability to produce versatile professionals. They are adaptable and capable of performing various roles within a sector. This multifaceted approach to skills development addresses the limitations of rigid educational paths. These are known for “pigeonholing” individuals into specific careers. Rather, learnerships develop well-rounded employees. They quickly and efficiently adapt to the shifting demands of industries. Adaptability is a highly sought after “soft” skill in the global market. It is even more so as South Africa gradually undergoes the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Refer to,what%20makes%20up%20soft%20skills.

Holders of a GETC: AET/ABET

Holders of a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 are equipped to succeed in modern workplaces.

Firstly, they can respond to change. This includes new projects; an unexpected challenge; or shift in company strategy. This reduces stress and bolsters productivity. It also enables staff to play their part in helping their companies stay ahead of the curve. This is irrespective of their designation and role they perform in teams.

They can also embrace new innovation quickly and efficiently. This is a very important trait considering the rapid rate at which technology is advancing. It is facilitating drastically different ways of working and collaborating. A case in point are virtual meetings. 

Because they are adaptable, employees are also more likely to be able to think on their feet and outside the box. Moreover, they are open to new ideas and suggestions and willing to try different approaches that could potentially improve performance. This facilitates creativity and enables employees to solve problems more effectively. Companies that foster a culture of adaptability and creativity are more likely to innovate and develop new and innovative offerings. In this way, they are better able to meet the demand of their clients and customers.

Adaptable employees are also more resilient. This is because they are better able to cope with setbacks and obstacles. They are also more likely to recover quicker from failures and learn from their mistakes. They then continue to work towards their goals. This resilience helps to keep employees motivated and focused – even during difficult times.

Adaptable employees also work effectively with others – an essential skill in modern workplaces. They know how to work with diverse teams and collaborate effectively with colleagues from different backgrounds and cultures. This is especially important in a diverse country such as South Africa. 

GETC AET prepares young adults

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership people working on computer

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 prepares young adults for the world of work. This is considering its potent blend of training and immediate application of skills.

GETC is the abbreviation for “General Education and Training Certificate”. NQF is the shortform of “National Qualifications Framework” and AET is the acronym for “Adult Education and Training”. 

The Department of Basic Education provides a thorough definition of AET []. It says that AET is the general conceptual foundation towards lifelong learning and development. It comprises knowledge, skills and attitudes required for social, economic and political participation and transformation. This participation is applicable to a range of contexts. AET is flexible, developmental and targeted at the specific needs of particular audiences. Ideally, it provides access to nationally recognised certificates. A case in point is the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1.

Concept of AET: GETC 

The concept of AET: GETC NQF 1 is uniquely South African.

We added the “T” for “training” in adult basic education, a term used widely internationally. The adoption of AET was hotly contested for a time by those who preferred non-formal models of adult basic education.

However, there were legitimate reasons for adopting the term. The deepest critical perception of education in the country was that it had little application in life and work. Among education’s biggest critics at the time were trade unions and business. Training implied drilling in routine jobs and was therefore added to the abbreviation. This aligned the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 with the workplace.

Moreover, AET in the country has its roots in adult literacy work. Adopting “AET” as opposed to adult literacy was the result of a political decision that was informed by research. Despite its achievements during the struggle, literacy alone was not considered adequate to support real social transformation. AET was intended to offer an appropriately adult route to a general education aimed at improving life quality. Refer to for more reading on AET.

Purpose of GETC: AET/ABET 

The purpose of this GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership is to equip learners with foundational learning. This is via the acquisition of knowledge, skills and values in specified learning areas. 

It is awarded to learners who have completed the requirements for general education and training. This includes the necessary subjects as prescribed by the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement [Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (]. Among others, these include communication, mathematics and life orientation. 

GETC: AET/ABET a critical qualification

The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 is a critical qualification as it provides evidence that the compulsory education phase has been completed. It is also an important qualification for learners who want to progress further education and training. This includes both vocational and occupational training programmes, in addition to academic pursuits. Government refers to this approach as the Three Stream Model. The concept was developed by the Department of Basic Education to provide learners with multiple learning pathways. Refer to’Three%20Stream%20Model’%20is,12%20offered%20in%20schools%20in.

Vocational training focuses on teaching specific skills related to a particular trade or occupation. It provides hands-on experience and practical knowledge that is directly applicable to a specific job or career. This type of training is obtained via specialised courses, apprenticeships or on-the-job training. The ultimate outcome of vocational training is the provision of knowledge and skills required to succeed in professions. This is in addition to preparing learners for a fulfilling and successful career in their chosen field. Refer to

GETC: AET/ABET grooms learners

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 also adequately grooms and coaches learners for occupational training. 

Occupational training integrates knowledge; practical skills; and workplace learning into the curriculum. This is via the incorporation of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) []. WIL refers to the work experience component of occupational qualifications. It takes various forms. These include simulated; work-directed theoretical; and problem-based learning, in addition to work experience. The volume of learning allocated to WIL should be appropriate to the purpose of the occupational qualification. It also needs to be applicable to the cognitive demands of the learning outcomes. This is in addition to the assessment criteria contained in the suitable level descriptor.

The third option for individuals who have completed the learnership is to pursue an academic learning path. The next step would, therefore, be to enrol for adult matric to attain a Senior Certificate [Senior Certificate (]. Depending on results achieved in final examinations, this qualification provides access to a university education.

Irrespective of the learning path selected, they all eventually lead to the attainment of a NQF 4 qualification. This NQF level represents a secondary education qualification that is equivalent to a certificate or a diploma. They are quite similar. Certificates are focused on industry-specific skills. Diplomas, on the other hand, usually focus on one subject and have a practical component. 

This level of qualification signifies a basic understanding of a subject area and the acquisition of foundational skills. It, therefore, serves as a stepping stone to higher levels of education and training.

Moreover, it is also a better entry to the workforce. In the finance industry, for example, individuals with a NQF 4 qualification can work as bookkeeper. They can then learn further for a Technical Financial qualification at a NQF 5 and 6 while earning a livelihood.

Refer to

GETC: AET/ABET learnership mobilises industry

The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership mobilises industry to participate in skills development. This is by incorporating several role players and having multiple objectives.

The implementation of learnerships requires three central stakeholders. They include the learner, employer and accredited AET training provider. 

It is important to only work with an AET provider that is accredited by Umalusi Council. Umalusi Council is also referred to as the Quality Council for General and Further Education []. 

By attaining full accreditation, providers of NQF 1 training have met all of Umalusi’s strict criteria to do so. Their performance in this regard will be monitored regularly by the council throughout the seven-year accreditation period. Thereafter, they will have to apply to renew their accreditation. This will entail undergoing the same extensive process again. It can take up to three years for AET to prepare for accreditation. In this way, Umalusi safeguards learners and companies that outsource their AET requirements. 

As a prerequisite to apply for accreditation, AET providers must be registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training. Refer to

One of the first factors that Umalusi scrutinises is the quality of AET providers’ learner management systems. Reputable AET providers efficiently administer learners’ portfolio of evidence (POE) and their performance on a monthly basis. This includes learner attendance of GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 classes and the level of competency obtained thus far. Learners who are struggling with the course content will be “red flagged” so that suitable intervention can be taken timeously. This one of the ways that competent AET providers maintain high progression rates. It is an important measure of the quality of training on offer. Therefore, be sure to ask AET providers that you are engaging about their progression rates.

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 training

By partnering an accredited AET provider, you are reassured that you will receive quality GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 training. 

A reputable AET provider will have very stringent quality controls in place. This includes a team of qualified assurers who sit in classes to ensure that AET is being facilitated correctly. In this way, problems are identified quickly without disrupting the learning experience. 

The council also scrutinises the stringent steps taken by AET providers in ensuring that learners are competent. This includes the way in which their POEs and site-based assessments are evaluated. At the end of the learnership, learners are also expected to write an exam to prove their competence. These are evaluated, assessed and moderated by the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute [] and the Independent Examinations Board []. Umalusi also evaluates, assesses and moderates the examinations. This three-step process is a robust way of certifying the competence of learners. 

Umalusi also inspects AET providers’ training materials as part of the accreditation process. Quality training materials will include many real-life examples and problems that need to be solved with the skills learnt. This is considering the way in which adults learn basic skills compared to children.

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 facilitators

The council also evaluates the quality of GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 training facilitators. Importantly, they must be qualified educators who are registered with the South African Council for Educators []. Moreover, they need to be skilled and experienced in facilitating adult training.

Umalusi also wants to ensure that the AET providers that it accredits are viable and sustainable. This is so that they can provide an uninterrupted learning experience. Thus, they must also have a plan in place to ensure continuity of instruction should they be unable to operate.

Importantly, AET providers need to demonstrate that training is being facilitated in a healthy and safe environment. Reputable AET providers always comply with their clients’ health and safety protocol. This is considering that AET is undertaken at clients’ premises – no matter how remote their location. Refer to


To enter GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnerships, prospective candidates need to have completed ABET level 3. This includes both literacy and numeracy subjects. AET level 3 is equivalent to a Grade 7 education. 

Alternatively, they may write a readiness assessment to enter the learnership. Skilled in undertaking placement assessments, competent AET providers will be able to assist you with this requirement.

The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership is available to both employees and unemployed individuals. 

Learners enter into a contract with the employer. It is only legally binding for the duration of the learnership. Thereafter, the employer can decide whether to continue employing unemployed candidates who were selected for the learnership.

The learnership offers many benefits to participants. These include better employment opportunities after completing GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1. There is also the advantage of a fixed-term employment contract for the duration of the learnership. This learnership also improves the job performance of learners by imparting basic education skills. These are also simply referred to as workplace literacy. They include verbal and written communication, as well as active listening and reading skills. This is in addition to basic numeracy skills. For example, employees need to know how to count money; take accurate measurements; or inventory stock. Moreover, they need to be able to solve problems and make sound decisions. This ability is facilitated by creative, critical and logical thinking skills. 

Importantly, upon successful completion of the learnership, participants receive a national qualification. This endorsement does more than validate the skills acquired via GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1. Importantly, it also sets individuals on a path of lifelong learning. This includes pursuing further educational opportunities and advancement within chosen career paths. It also empowers learners and reassures potential employers that prospective candidates possess a level of expertise.

Unemployed recruited for GETC: AET/ABET

Unemployed individuals who were recruited for GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 earn a learner allowance. This is not a salary but covers expenses such as travel and meals.

Via this learnership, talented young people have a chance to show their value to potential future employers. This is without an employer taking the risk of permanently employing an inexperienced young adult. There are many university graduates who have not been able to secure meaningful employment simply because they lack experience.

Unemployed adults register as work seekers at their nearest Labour Centre []. 

They also hear about available learnership from the SETAs []. 

Moreover, the DHET’s career help website is a useful resource for these individuals to learn about available learnership opportunities. Refer to Learnerships, Apprenticeships and Internships | Career Help – Khetha.

GETC: AET/ABET imparts life skills

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership people crossing road

However, GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnerships also impart life skills needed to navigate modern society. It transcends merely preparing individuals for work.

For example, NQF 1 numeracy and literacy skills are the foundations of digital literacy. This is the technical ability to use, at rudimentary level, a computer and the internet. It is also an understanding of how to critically evaluate digital media and use technology to communicate and create content.

Financial literacy is also covered. This is the ability to make informed judgements and effective decisions on the use and management of money. It includes the ability to budget, save, invest and borrow. 

Literacy and numeracy are also the basis of health literacy. It is also covered as a separate topic in another subject. Health literacy is the ability to obtain and understand basic health information. It is also knowledge of the services required to make appropriate health decisions.

Furthermore, individuals who participate in GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 gain civic literacy skills. This includes a basic, objective understanding of the civic history of the country. It also includes rudimentary knowledge of the institutions and roles as they have evolved in this political system. The learnership also imparts an understanding of political thought and values and how they interact. Moreover, learners gain a perspective on the relative role of the individual and the polity. This is in addition to an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizen participation in a democracy. Moreover, civic literacy includes an understanding of political institutions in a comparative framework. This is in addition to knowledge of the political economy and its structures. Individuals who have completed the learnership will also understand tools and consequences of political change. Furthermore, they have knowledge of basic logic, fact and bias recognition and media-savviness. 

Employers benefit from GETC: AET/ABET

Employers also benefit from sponsoring the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership. 

The learnership is a tool for multi-skilling. This is considering that it develops the competence of learners in every component of work processes in a given occupation.

As employees acquire workplace literacy skills, they start to work more independently. They require less supervision and possess enhanced problem-solving capabilities. 

They also become more engaged and start striving to add even more value to the business. This is because they are learning skills that help them to perform their jobs even better. As they improve and their efforts acknowledge, they become more confident team players. 

Employees who see that their employer takes an interest in their personal and professional wellbeing are also more loyal. They are, therefore, more likely to stay for long periods at a company. This reduces the costs associated with high staff turnover. It also safeguards your investment in skills development and training. 

Meanwhile, entering into learning contracts with unemployed people enables companies to build a large skills pool. Your investment in skills development and training, therefore, also benefits the larger industry in which you operate and the local economy. The benefits of the learnership are not only confined to your business.

Invest in GETC: AET/ABET learnerships

Employers are incentivised to invest in GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnerships.

Measured entities that invest in learnerships for previously marginalised South Africans are awarded black-economic empowerment (BEE) points. This is considering that Skills Development is deemed a priority element on the B-BBEE Scorecard.

Therefore, this element contributes as much as 20 points on the Generic Codes of Good practice scorecard. Refer to BBBEE Code of Good Practice – B-BBEE Commission | Department of Trade & Industry (

As skills development is a priority element, companies must reach a sub-minimum of 40% of the 20%. Failure to do so will negatively influence their B-BBEE level. Irrespective of whether you excel in other areas, your rating will decline if you neglect this aspect of transformation. This is an indication of the gravitas given to skills development and training as a driver of transformation.

However, the investment in skills development must be in line with Economic Active Population targets. Refer to HOW DOES THE ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION TARGETS AFFECT YOUR EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ( This means that targets for learnerships must be spent on African, Coloured and Indian citizens. 

There are also prerequisites that have to be met to claim under the Skills Development element. 

Importantly, skills development levies need to be paid to the South African Revenue Services. Refer to SARS Home | South African Revenue Service


In addition, you need to register the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 with the relevant Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA). Refer to SETAs of South Africa ( A Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) must also be submitted to and approved by the relevant SETA. Refer to Workplace Skills Plan MICT SETA MICT SETA. A company must also have specifically implemented a plan to develop the priority skills of black citizens. 

Note that GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 programmes are not effective if your are merely implementing it to “tick boxes.” 

An investment in GETC: AET/ABET

An investment in GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 also yields higher returns from the Skills Levy []. This is as a result of the transfer of individuals from learning to the job. 

SARS also offers companies attractive tax incentives for participating in learnerships. A company can claim a tax incentive when it registers a learnership agreement with a suitable SETA. These tax incentives are deductions on taxable income that is claimed for learnership candidate in employment. This is done twice – at the start and completion of a learnership.

Government gazette No. 23 709 that was published on 5 August 2002 details this arrangement. The entitlement derives from the Taxation Laws Amendment Act, No 30 of 2002 [,debentures%20from%20stamp%20duty%3B%20and]. 

There are two levels of incentives. R30 000 commencement and completion allowances are offered for learnerships. R50 000 start and completion allowances are provided for learners with disabilities. 

The principle is simple. Employers claim an allowance every year that a learner is registered for a learnership linked to their trade. The allowance is based on 12-month period and full month cycles. Therefore, if a learnership commences half-way through the assessment year, half of the allowance is claimed in the first year. The balance is claimed the following year.

What happens if the learner leaves during the year? Then there is no recoupment. The allowance is merely apportioned for the part of the year. For example, if the learner leaves after four months, the employer only claims 4/12 of the allowance. However, these must be full months. Therefore, if the learner leaves after three-and-a-half months, an allowance can only be claimed for three months. 

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 allowance

Employers claim R7 5000 GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 commencement allowances in the first year and R20 000 the following year. This is if the learnership spans three-and-a-half months in the first assessment year and eight-and-a-half months the next year.

Employers claim a R30 000 allowance for each completed 12 months of the learnership. No completion allowance is claimable until the learnership has been completed.

What happens if learners leave the company and go to another employer? The answer is simple. If they are still doing their learnership and it is lined to that employer’s trade, it is carried on. The new employer claims the learnership for the rest of the year and the completion allowance. This is the case even if learners were not employed by that employer in the earlier learnership years or months.

What if learners fail their learnership and register for a new one? In this case, section 12H [,when%20calculating%20the%20taxable%20income] will not apply to the learnership. This is if it contains the same education and training component of the learnership that was failed.

GETC: AET/ABET unit standards

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership teacher writing math on whiteboard

The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 qualification consists of fundamental, core and elective unit standards. A minimum of 120 credits from those listed must be achieved to be awarded a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1.

The fundamental component consists of language, literacy and communication (LLC), which contributes 23 credits towards the qualification.

Employees who have completed this subject will be able to explore and use a variety of strategies to learn. This counts five credits towards the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1. They will also be able to read and respond to a range of text types. This contributes six credits towards the qualification. Moreover, they will be able to write for a variety of different purposes, which provides six credits. They will also have an ability to engage in a range of speaking and listening interactions for variety of reasons. This ability contributes six credits towards the NQF 1 qualification.

Equipped with these skills, employees will be able to effectively communicate in the workplace. This improves clarity in the exchange of concepts, knowledge and ideas while reducing ambiguity and misunderstanding. Employees who can communicate in the correct manner to the right audience help to create more cohesive workplaces. Communicating honestly and transparently also fosters a sense of trust and positivity. This, in turn, increases work satisfaction and improves morale. Moreover, strong communication improves the exchange of ideas, leading to increased creativity and innovation.


During LLC of GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1, employees learn speaking and listening strategies. This is so that they can communicate confidently for a variety of purposes and contexts.

They also learn how language conventions and structures are used and responded to. This is so that they can convey meaning and understanding in a variety of contexts. 

Moreover, various learning strategies are identified and used to access and convey information. To develop critical awareness, they are also read and responded to. In this way, an understanding of purpose, themes and contexts is gained.

A range of texts are also explored, planned and drafted. This is to reflect ideas, facts, opinions, different purposes, audiences and contexts in creative, expressive and imaginative ways.

Grammar and language conventions are also studied. This is so that they can be used to organise texts in a logical and coherent manner. As part of the learning process, texts are also analysed and explained in terms of form and function.

Learners also practice using their oral language skills to explain ideas. They do so in a sequenced manner across a range of transactional situations. These include requests, apologies, role-players and stating points of view.

Non-verbal strategies are also identified during classes. They are then discussed in terms of their influence on the receiver of the message.

Learners also develop their interaction skills by participating in group discussions and interviews; debates conversations; and surveys.

Furthermore, critical awareness and use of language style is developed so that it can be used appropriately.

“Fundamentals” of GETC: AET/ABET

Another one of the “fundamentals” of the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 is mathematical literacy. This unit standard contributes 16 credits towards the qualification. 

Employees who have passed mathematical literacy can describe and represent objects in terms of shape, space and measurement. This ability counts five credits towards the NQF 1 qualification. Also contributing the same number of credits is the ability to evaluate and solve data-handling and probability problems. Employees will also be able to work with numbers; operations with numbers; and relationships between numbers. This ability contributes four credits towards GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1. Moreover, they have an ability to work with measurement in a variety of contexts, which contributes two credits.

Having basic numeracy skills may be more important in the workplace now than ever before. This is considering that companies are becoming increasingly reliant on data to help guide their decisions. Even employees who do not work with data directly need to understand what it is conveying at a rudimentary level. How else do they participate in helping the company achieve its goals?

Moreover, the skills required for a basic understanding of mathematics are often indicative of broader cognitive skills. Cognitive ability is critical in the modern world. Part of most cognitive ability tests, numerical problem-solving entails critical and logical thinking skills. 

Mathematical literacy of GETC: AET/ABET

When studying mathematical literacy of GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1, individuals will identify geometrical shapes. They will then describe them in terms of their uses and measurement in different contexts.

Mathematical scales are also used to interpret and draw maps for purposes. They are also given in equations.

Moreover, measurement problems are solved using a variety of strategies. Everyday real objects are measured using appropriate measurement instruments and units. 

Data is also collected, analysed and interpreted to demonstrate relationships and variations. In doing so, number calculations are performed to solve realistic and abstract problems. A variety of mathematical techniques and strategies are also used to solve problems across a range of contexts. These include financial, measurement, statistics and proportion. Problems relate to time, distance, speed, measurement, volume and temperature. Life issues include human rights, social, economic, cultural and environmental. They are solved using geometric figures and solids, or measurement, estimation and calculation. This is in addition to formulae and measurement selection.

Data is collected by selecting appropriate methods to investigate a question on a problem. Methods used include questionnaires, interviews and experiments. Certainly, learners also consult libraries, the internet, media articles and documentaries when doing so. Issues include social, economic, environmental and political topics. This is in addition to inclusivity; target group characteristics; and attitudes or opinions of people on issues. The data is organised using a variety of techniques appropriate to the purpose of the investigation. Techniques include summarising, sorting, sequencing and classification.

GETC: AET/ABET core unit standard

Life orientation is a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 core unit standard, totalling 32 credits towards the qualification.

Employees who have completed this subject will understand sexuality and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/Aids. This counts five credits towards the NQF 1 qualification. In addition, they will have knowledge of the factors that contribute towards a healthy lifestyle, knowledge which contributes four credits. Moreover, employees will be able to demonstrate understanding of diversity within various relationships in local society. This makes up three credits of the core unit standard. Also contributing the same number of credits is knowing how to participate effectively in the workplace. Employees will also possess knowledge of self.

Counting three credits, this knowledge facilitates an understanding of one’s own identity and role with the community and society. Furthermore, they will be able to plan and manage their personal finances. This skill contributes five credits towards the NQF 1 qualification. In addition, they will be able to identify, security, safety and environmental risks, contributing six credits. Meanwhile, time management contributes three credits towards the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1.

Life orientation is a unique subject. It applies a holistic approach to the personal, social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, motor and physical growth and development of learners. This facilitates the development of balanced and confident learners who can contribute to just and democratic society. They also have the skills needed to participate in a productive economy and contribute to improved quality of life for all.

This essential subject imparts important life skills to successfully navigate the challenges of everyday life. To cope with the increasing pace and change of modern life, learners need new life skills. This includes the ability to deal with gender-based violence; unemployment; stress; and other social ills that plague our societies.

GETC: AET/ABET life orientation

Studying GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 life orientation, learners are explained the nature, transmission and prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Coping mechanisms for infected and affected individuals are also covered.

Factors that have a bearing on personal health are also analysed to make sound personal choices. They include social, ecological, political, economic and cultural.

Learners also gain knowledge of personal hygiene. It is explained in terms of the consequences of poor nutrition, as well as the abuse of substances.

Moreover, the role of sport and recreation is explored and explained in terms of promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Learners also assess ways of building positive relationships to deal with personal and emotional challenges.

The rights and responsibilities of individuals are also explained. This is in relation to ethical behaviour in the workplace and how to contribute to nation building.

Furthermore, ways of engaging in the community are explored. This is in terms of promoting self-esteem and self-concept and defining our role and responsibility.

As part of the study, learners are also expected to develop a budget with agreed goals and priorities. 

They also learn how to draft an action plan to achieve personal goals. It includes tasks and responsibilities. 

In addition, safety, security and environmental risks are identified and explained in terms of potential risks.

GETC: AET/ABET includes elective component

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 also includes an elective component, which contributes 49 credits toward obtaining the qualification.

Human and social sciences is one of the elective unit standards. 

Employees who have passed this subject will understand the relationships between social justice; human rights; and democracy. This contributes five credits towards the qualification. They will also possess knowledge of diversity and change in a dynamic society, understanding that contributes six credits. Moreover, they will be able to explain the relationship between society, environment and development. This counts six credits towards the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 qualification. Also contributing six credits is knowledge of the relationship between events, time and space and the effect on society.

Natural sciences is another elective unit standard of the learnership. Employees who have passed this subject will be able to apply basic concepts and principles in the natural sciences. This knowledge contributes five credits towards the GET: AET NQF 1. They will also be able to assess the impact of scientific innovation on quality of life, totalling two credits. Moreover, they will possess natural science investigation skills. These proficiencies contribute four credits towards the qualification. The ability to analyse the contribution of scientific knowledge towards sustainability also contributes two credits. Moreover, the subject imparts a sound understanding of science, totalling two credits.

GETC: AET/ABET economic management sciences

GETC AET NQF 1 learnership hand drawing chart on whiteboard

The other elective unit standard is GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 economic management sciences. Employees who have passed this subject, will have a sound understanding of basic accounting. This contributes four credits towards the NQF 1 qualification. They will also have knowledge of contracts and their sources, a skill which contributes five credits to the qualification. Moreover, employees will understand the principles of supply and demand, as well as the concept of production. This knowledge totals two credits. They will also possess the ability to identify and discuss different types of business and their legal implications. This skill contributes four credits towards the NQF 1 qualification. Moreover, they can discuss, describe and compare major economic systems, totalling two credits. Counting four credits towards the qualification is an understanding of management expertise and administrative systems. This completes the curricula covered by this unit standard.

Additional learning areas of GETC: AET/ABET

Generic associated assessment criteria are applied to all the additional learning areas of the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership.

The underlying knowledge of concepts are discussed in writing; basic community research assignments; and in oral presentations.

Arguments are constructed using the relevant learning area knowledge. They are presented verbally or in writing and defended using suitable evidence.

Media, as well as primary and secondary sources are used to gather knowledge of the respective learning areas.

Learners are also required to explore and explain topics for basic community or work context. This is done while using the skills associated with the relevant learning area.

Moreover, models are developed to depict concepts using relevant skills.

Deductions and conclusions are drawn, and cause and effect are deduced. Thereafter, opinions are formed about future outcomes using skills and knowledge applicable to the learning area.

Products are also produced or manufactured using the relevant skills and knowledge.

Furthermore, values relating to a learning area are explained in various delivery modes. They are then analysed in terms of own value systems and behaviour principles.

GETC: AET/ABET assessment practices

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 assessment practices are open, transparent, fair and reliable. 

Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably interwoven. Whenever possible, assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of unit standards are integrated.

As far as possible, assessment of communication and mathematical literacy are integrated with core and elective learning components. Practical contexts are also used wherever possible.

A variety of methods are deployed in assessments. Tools and activities are also appropriate to the context in which learners currently or will work. Among others, simulations, case studies and role plays are used to provide appropriate contexts to assessments. This is in instances where it is not possible to assess learners in the workplace or on-the-job.

Theoretical and practical components are assessed together. Assessors use a range of formative and summative assessment tools and methods to do so. They assess combinations of practical, applied, foundational and reflective competencies.

Assessors inspect and provide credit for the evidence of learning acquired via formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience.

Assessments ensure that all specific outcomes, embedded knowledge and critical cross-field outcomes are evaluated in an integrated manner.

GETC: AET/ABET is world class

The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 is a world-class learnership.

It compares best with Australian and UK adult basic education programmes. Their training models also have compulsory and choice options. However, our GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 is designed for adult learners to acquire a minimum of five academic learning areas. Both the UK and Australian models are based more on a curriculum model. Learners have a choice in their topics either in the more academic or vocationally related subjects. Overall, the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 has the potential to embrace the academic and vocational sub-frameworks. This is by providing learners with a solid base in which to allow a more coherent learning pathway. It also articulates with both vocational and occupationally related qualifications.

Top-notch GETC: AET/ABET

Triple E Training is a provider of top-notch GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnerships.

The company was again fully accredited by Umalusi. 

Notably, Triple E Training was one of a few companies that were selected to participate in a test accreditation programme. This was in 2013 when government realised a need for such a system. Quality of AET had declined due to an influx of unscrupulous companies in the market. This threatened to bring the entire industry into disrepute and undermine real transformation via skills development and training.

Therefore, the company was one of the first private AET providers to be fully accredited by Umalusi. Remarkably, it was the only company that participated in the pilot programme to receive full accreditation again.

Learn more about Triple E Training and our GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership.

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