GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 - Triple e Training


Holders of a General Education and Training Certificate: (GETC) Adult Education and Training (AET) possess basic education skills. These are at a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 1. They can, therefore, participate actively in their communities and South African society at large. Importantly, these individuals also possess workplace literacy skills that enable them to excel in their chosen careers. This while also making their own substantial contribution to the growth of the South African economy. 

The NQF [A Brief History – SAQA] provides a systematic classification of education qualifications. This offers clarity on the levels and types of qualifications available. Moreover, it ensures that local credentials align with international standards. In turn, this enhances their recognition and value globally. 

NQF Level 1 is significant. Equivalent to Grade 9, it is the bedrock of learners’ educational journey. Important foundational skills and knowledge have been developed paving the way forward for future academic and vocational pursuits. NQF Level 1 is essentially a transition phase. Having gained critical literacy, numeracy and basic problem-solving skills, individuals can make informed decisions about their future educational paths. They may choose to continue with general academic education; enter more specialised vocational training; or explore employment opportunities. These include entry-level and general worker positions that require at least basic education skills, especially literacy and numeracy.

Together, these basic education skills are also referred to as workplace literacy. Equipped with these skills, workers can perform their jobs in a satisfactory manner. Ample evidence demonstrates the large negative impact that functional illiteracy has on business. Workers with low literacy and basic numeracy skills cannot perform at optimal levels. They make mistakes; waste resources; and are unable to produce work of the required quality standard. Moreover, they struggle with important workplace documentation and are generally unhealthy and unsafe workers.

GETC holders are lifelong learners

Generally, GETC-AET Level 4 holders are lifelong learners. Learning for this NQF Level 1 qualification, they have gained a newfound respect and thirst for knowledge. 

Lifelong learning is especially important in an era of constant change. It enables us to keep pace in both our professional and private lives. The ability to constantly deepen existing and acquire new knowledge enables individuals, companies, industries and entire nations to remain competitive. It also forms the basis for innovation and progress. 

However, lifelong learning is not just about learning “hard” skills. Lifelong learning also entails refining and honing one’s “soft” and social skills. These include the ability to communicate; work as part of teams; and think critically and logically. It is impossible to function effectively in today’s complex working world without these proficiencies. 

Therefore, lifelong learning helps individuals to actively shape their personal and professional future. 

Individuals who are not prepared to continue their education will find it difficult to gain a foothold in modern workplaces. To continue adding value and remain relevant, employees have to constantly develop their skills. The ability to learn quickly and seamlessly apply new knowledge is also in high demand.

Companies are increasingly recognising the value of lifelong learners. They support this attitude through training and retraining programmes. This is the only way that they can ensure that their staff keep pace with technological developments. Certainly, employees also need to be able to adapt to processes and regulations that change on an ongoing basis. Importantly, employee development also drives innovation and solves future challenges within companies. 

Individuals who are unafraid of new learning challenges and can constantly expand their knowledge have a bright future. They are not only adaptable. Importantly, they actively shape change and benefit from opportunities that they offer.

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership

The GETC-AET NQF 1 learnership draws from best practices in adult literacy and numeracy training in developed countries. They include the United States, Canada, Australia, Finland and United Kingdom, all of which have robust adult-learning systems. By adequately addressing unique adult learning requirements, they have helped to quickly develop the skills of growing immigrant populations. In this way, governments have been able to seamlessly integrate these populations into their societies. 

The South African NQF Level 1 qualification shares similarities with the Australian and UK models. This is considering that both offer a combination of compulsory and elective learning areas. These are the same as the academic and vocational learning areas of the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 programme.

Like South Africa with its about 4-million functionally illiterate adults, the UK is grappling with poor literacy. 16,4% of the English population has very poor reading and writing skills []. 26,7% of the Scottish population struggles with poor literacy skills []. 12% of the population living in Wales is functionally illiterate []. 17% of the Northern Irish population struggles to read and write efficiently []

Meanwhile, 14% of Australian citizens have very poor literacy skills [].

In 2021, South Africa’s adult illiteracy rate was 10,5%. This is two percentage points improvement from 2019 and a reduction of 6,9 percentage points over the past decade. However, illiteracy remains stubbornly high in the country. As in many parts of the world, illiteracy is higher among women than men. This thwarts their economic and social progress 30 years after democracy. To add insult to injury, illiteracy is more prevalent among black South Africans than other race groups! Refer to

The need for GETC: AET/ABET

This emphasises the need for a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership to raise the literacy skills of the South African population. To participate meaningfully in the economy, South Africans need basic education skills at least at NQF 1.

Like other countries, South Africa realises the urgent need to provide education and training to unskilled and low-skilled adults. While they may have some basic reading and writing skills, these are insufficient for modern workplaces. This places their livelihoods at risk as local industries continue to digitalise, mechanise and automate general and mundane work. The skills crisis stifles the country’s ability to transition into the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It needs to do so to compete at a global level. For many industries, robotics will also significantly improve health and safety.

The mining industry is a case in point. Modernisation will help to improve safety and health, facilitating the quest for “zero harm”. The South African mining sector has, for more than 100 years, been considered a labour-intensive industry. It uses physically demanding manual drilling methods with blasting and cleaning on a stop-start basis. This is predominantly in narrow reef, hard-rock mining for gold, platinum and chrome. Working conditions are generally characterised by abrasive rock, steep gradients and seismicity. And, with increasing depth, the virgin rock temperature continues to rise. On the Witwatersrand Basin, the virgin rock temperature at depths of 2 000m below surface can reach 40°C. On the Bushveld Complex, these temperatures are even higher, reaching 70°C.

Modernisation will also contribute to increased skills development, employment, exports and revenue. This is not to mention the knock-on effect on local communities. Ultimately, without a shift in mining methodology, the industry will fail to mine South Africa’s deep-level complex orebodies profitably. Refer to

Importance of GETC: AET/ABET

The importance of GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 is articulated in the National Development Plan [National Development Plan 2030 | South African Government (]. Moreover, the White Paper on Post-School Education and Training [White Paper.indd (] also reinforces government’s commitment to adult basic education.

These policy documents call on Community Education and Training (CET) colleges to have a clear identify and purpose. They also need to offer a myriad of courses, ranging from GETC-ABET to secondary and second-chance matric programmes. These cater to adults who have failed Grade 12 or those who want to improve their matric results. Refer to

However, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) [] and CET colleges will require help from the private sector. This is considering extraordinarily high illiteracy in the country. Companies will, therefore, continue to be incentivised to provide GETC: ABET NQF 1 programmes to un- and low-skilled employees. These are complemented by the provision of adult literacy and numeracy training to unemployed members of communities within operational footprints. This type of training usually forms part of companies’ corporate-social investment initiatives. It is also a fundamental commitment that mines make in their social labour plans to be awarded mineral rights. This is in line with the requirements of the Mining Charter []. In this way, host communities also have an opportunity to share in the mineral wealth of the country. It is not only there for the benefit of private capital!

GETC: AET/ABET for school learners

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 worker moving wood planks

Notably, the DHET intends introducing a GETC for learners who exit school at Grade 9. Denoting competency in NQF 1 skills, the GETC will provide these learners with some currency upon entering the labour market. This, in turn, is expected to have an impact on high youth unemployment. Bear in mind that about 40% of all students exit the school system prematurely. Without a national qualification, they will struggle to find meaningful employment – if at all. This is considering the very competitive nature of the labour market.

The GETC forms part of the department’s new “three-stream” model [’Three%20Stream%20Model’%20is,12%20offered%20in%20schools%20in].

The programme aligns the basic education system to national policy imperatives. It also strives to make the school curriculum responsive to megatrends, such as globalisation and Industry 4.0. This is in addition to the rapidly changing nature of work. Moreover, the programme responds to high unemployment, as well as low matric attainment and excessive dropout rates per cohort. Government also believes that the model will address skills mismatches and the limitations of predominantly academic/theoretical curriculum. It is also geared at attending to existing fragmented career guidance services.

The plan aims to place learners in different educational paths. This includes academic, which is the traditional National Senior Certificate [Senior Certificate (]. The other two are vocational, which is broadly aligned to a profession, and occupational, based solely on school performance.

A pilot was undertaken at a few schools in 2022. The DHET stepped up the pilot this year and will continue testing the strategy throughout 2025.

As part of the process, the department has been preparing students who opt for the certificate for the “real world”. This is via a new curriculum. It has introduced more than 35 new subjects in the Further Education and Training phase over the past seven years. 

GETC: AET/ABET learning areas

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learning areas include language, literacy and communication, as well as mathematical literacy. These are the fundamentals of this NQF 1 qualification and make up 33% of ABET level 4. Life orientation is a core learning area, constituting 17% of the course content of this AET level. The elective learning areas constitute 50% of the ABET course. They include human and social; natural; and economic and management sciences.

This structure provides learners with a solid foundation and a clear pathway for further education and training. In this way, they can either pursue academic or vocational qualifications after completing the learnership.

An academic route would entail completing adult matric to attain an Adult Matric/Senior Certificate (Amended) [Senior Certificate (]. This will enable individuals to apply for entry-level jobs that require skills at a NQF 4. Refer to Understanding NQF – National Qualifications Framework ( NQF 4 denotes a basic understanding of a subject area and acquisition of foundational skills and knowledge. Therefore, these qualifications often serve as a stepping stone to higher levels of education and training. 

An adult matric covers the same subjects as those learnt in high school. However, the course duration depends on how quickly learners are prepared to write the examination. Also, results of the adult matric exams are the only marks that are calculated to assess competency. Unlike school matric, there are no classwork or assignments that will contribute towards the final pass mark. 

Very enterprising individuals who may want to study further at a university after completing adult matric. They should be encouraged to do so as these are potential future leaders and so-called “Captains of Industry”. Bear in mind that many individuals who have not completed school could not do so due to adverse conditions. These were out of their control.

Holders of a GETC: AET/ABET

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 worker grinding metal

Alternatively, holders of a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 can learn for National Certificate Vocational (NCV) qualifications. These are offered by Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges. Refer to Department of Higher Education and Training – TVETColleges ( NCV Qualifications on NQF 2 are equivalent to grade 10 and those on NQF 3 are the same as grade 11. Any NCV qualification on NQF 4 is equivalent to grade 12. 

Notably, NCVs allow students to master specific skills sets to better prepare for the workplace. This means that even without finishing matric, students get the chance to harness their skills and build a successful career. 

NCV courses also benefit learners who do not do well in traditional school environments. Equipped with skills at a NQF 1, they can rather study these qualifications to obtain a certification equivalent to matric. 

Closely aligned with the needs of modern workplaces, the highest NCV qualifications provide greater employment opportunities. Learners of these courses have to register for seven subjects. They are not significantly different from those taught in traditional matric. Learners have to choose an official language; mathematics or mathematical literacy; and life orientation. This is in addition to four extra subjects.

Examples of NCV courses include finance, economics and accounting; marketing; management; office administration; and information technology and computer science. This is in addition to civil engineering; electrical infrastructure construction; engineering and related design; and education and development. Moreover, holders of a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 also have the option to study hospitality, primary agriculture and tourism.

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 fundamentals

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 white palstic ruler

The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 fundamentals empower and liberate learners. 

Among the many important skills learnt while completing this NQF 1 course, few are more critical than literacy. Through reading and writing, we share ideas; preserve information; and explore different ways of life. 

Proper literacy training, through this learnership, equips individuals with the skills needed to navigate all aspects of life. Thus, it helps to mitigate poverty; creates job opportunities; and positively impacts health.

Literacy in education is the foundation for all other academic knowledge and skills. Learning to read with comprehension and write efficiently facilitates shared knowledge, understanding, communication and critical thinking. This broader view influences our perception of the world and how it impacts us in various ways.

Literacy skills are critical to education. This is considering that they influence students’ abilities to learn about challenging topics; communicate thoughtfully; and retain information. 

Reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are also fundamental to the world of work. Most entry level jobs require communication skills at least at NQF 1. This includes the ability to read for meaning and write with the correct spelling and grammar. Moreover, to be successful in their careers, employees need to be excellent active listeners. They must also be confident speakers. Importantly, effective communicators can combine these skills.

Individuals who have completed GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 can speak and listen confidently. They also know how language works in different situations. Moreover, they have developed their language skills for problem-solving; decision-making; and creative, critical and evaluative thinking. They are also effective readers. This enables them to find and reference information and understand the purpose of different writing styles. They are also strong writers themselves who have the capacity to convey important information in the written word. This while using the appropriate tonality for various purposes.

GETC: ABET mathematical literacy

GETC: ABET NQF 1 mathematical literacy equips individuals with critical basic numeracy skills. Considering the importance of basic numbers skills in modern life, adult numeracy training is considered a fundamental. 

Andreas Schleicher, the German mathematician and researcher, best describes the importance of basic numbers skills. He said that “good numeracy is the best protection against unemployment; low wages; and poor health.” Refer to Andreas Schleicher – Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills – OECD.

The fact is that we use maths in every aspect of our lives. For example, we rely on our basic numeracy skills when we shop; plan a holiday; and decide on a mortgage. As parents, we use these skills to help our children to learn. We also use them as patients to understand health information. And, as citizens, we use our maths skills to make sense of statistics and economic news. There are many more decisions that we make in daily life that entail being functionally numerate. 

Of serious concern is South Africa’s continued under performance in school science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM). Bear in mind the importance of STEM workers. They boost productivity and drive competitiveness, while generating a host of innovations. These professionals advance nations by engineering our infrastructure through to conducting life-saving medical research. It is very evident that we facing a severe future crisis if we do not turn the tide!

GETC: AET/ABET workplace numeracy skills

Holders of a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 have workplace numeracy skills. 

Even blue-collar jobs – no matter how mundane and routine – require basic numbers skills. Basic numeracy skills are essential for identifying and solving problems in the workplace. Employees often need to analyse complex situations; break them down into manageable parts; and apply mathematical reasoning to find solutions. Even if numbers are not involved, everyday maths principles facilitate critical, logical and creative thinking.

In the workplace, basic numeracy is an essential skill for time management. Employees need to know when their shifts start; finish; and how to effectively manage their time. This includes the ability to schedule tasks; create timelines; manage workloads; allocate resources efficiently; and meet project deadlines. Employees who cannot do this will find it difficult to be more effective at work and will, inevitably, fall behind.

Employees with sound basic numeracy skills can work accurately to avoid mistakes that lead to waste and delays.

Workers who interact with customers or the public will have to use their maths skills frequently. For example, they will deploy them to calculate bills; process orders; invoice; and price products. 

Individuals who have completed this NQF 1 qualification understand how to use geometry to describe and interpret surroundings. They can also work with maps and scale drawings and draw objects from different angles. Moreover, they can solve problems involving area, volume and perimeter, as well as collect, analyse and display data. They can also use math to solve real-world problems in different contexts. Basic numeracy skills also include an understanding of number systems and their use in different cultures. Moreover, this proficiency is used to solve measurement problems and calculate quantities in various situations.

GETC: AET/ABET life orientation

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 people walking on path

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 life orientation can be a very valuable subject. However, it must be taught well. This is because life orientation prepares and equips learners for what they are going to encounter in the world around them. Therefore, learners are better able to live meaningful and successful lives, thriving as individuals and making positive contributions to society.

The subject takes a holistic approach, encompassing mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. It considers the learner, as well as the community and societal context in which we live. In this way, learners become confident in themselves and can start contributing meaningfully in different settings.

Life orientation topics include understanding self-awareness and -esteem. This is in addition to gaining an appreciation of the importance of health and safety in various situations. Learners are also equipped with sound knowledge of sexual health, hygiene and healthy habits. The subject also imparts an understanding of ethical behaviour and rights and responsibilities. This is in addition to an appreciation of diversity and positive relationship skills. Notably, these are all “soft” skills that employers also find desirable. In this way, GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 further grooms and coaches learners for the world of work. 

GETC: AET/ABET financial literacy

Another important subject covered by GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 life orientation is financial literacy. This is knowledge of financial concepts and the skills associated with money management. An extension of our literacy skills, these proficiencies enable us to make informed decisions regarding our personal finances. 

Equipped with these skills, individuals can control their money as opposed to the other way around. They have the confidence to manage their money wisely. In turn, this enables them to avoid the debt trap and grows their wealth for long- and short-term goals.

It has never been more important to be financially literate. This is considering the increasing complexity of financial and social environments and lack of sufficient government aid. Financial health also directly impacts other areas of our lives.

Lack of financial literacy can lead to unsustainable debt burdens; poor credit; money loss; and higher risks of being a victim of fraud. This threatens long-term financial success and negatively impacts the ability to live life on one’s own terms.

In 2023, two prominent organisations undertook a survey into the state of financial literacy in the country. They included the Financial Sector Conduct Authority and the Human Sciences Research Council. Refer to FSCA Website FSCA Home and Home page Home page – HSRC

46% of adults surveyed tend to live for today rather than worry about providing for their future. Meanwhile, 44% stated that they have not been actively saving and a third have no retirement plan. Worryingly, only 26% of respondents had funds saved for rainy days but those will last for only three months.

Clearly, life orientation as a subject is more important than many would want to believe!

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 electives

Among the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 electives, the study of human and social sciences expands knowledge of human cultures. This is in addition to imparting a better understanding of our differences and what binds us together as a society. These are especially important skills in a local context, considering our uniquely diverse society and complex history. 

Never as before has the country been more divided. South Africans consistently identify “inequality” – the gap between rich and poor – as the greatest division in society. This is according to the South African Reconciliation Barometer (SARB). It is a nationwide public opinion survey by the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation. In this case, citizens’ perceptions converges with the statistical reality. A recent World Bank report confirmed that “inequality has increased since the end of apartheid”. Refer to Overcoming Poverty and Inequality in South Africa .

The study of social sciences and humanities help societies to contemplate the past and envision the future. This while making a range of difficult and important decisions in the present. Research and scholarship in these fields enrich qualities of mind and spirit; and nourish creativity. They also strengthen capacities for resilience and innovation. Moreover, they provide a major share of the analytical skills and basic and applied knowledge required to advance quality of life. This is as we move into a new century. Moreover, this education develops independent thinkers. They can ask significant questions; analyse and weigh ideas; draw logical conclusions; and present sound arguments. 

Notably, these are also precisely the skills modern businesses are looking for. In some instances, these “soft” skills are even deemed just or more important than “hard” or technical skills.

GETC: AET/ABET prepares candidates 

In this way, GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 also further prepares prospective candidates for workplaces.

By studying human and social sciences, individuals acquire critical thinking skills. This includes the ability to receive and analyse knowledge and use creativity to develop innovative solutions to problems.

The subject also enhances communication abilities. This includes the capacity to form unique viewpoints and express them clearly and persuasively in writing and verbally.

Learners also hone their empirical and quantitative reasoning skills. This is the competency required to comprehend and use numerical data to formulate and deliver educated decisions.

The study also enhances teamwork. This is considering that individuals learn the ability to understand and accept the viewpoints of others. In this way, they can work collaboratively to achieve common goals.

Importantly, this elective subject also teaches responsibility. This includes the ability to realise consequences to actions. Individuals also learn the importance of taking responsibility for them and justifying choices made that led to the outcomes.

The subject also imparts social responsibility. By gaining a sense of what is important for society, learners can act appropriately.

Learning for a GETC: AET/ABET

Learning for a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1, individuals, therefore, also gain insights into social justice; human rights; and democracy. They learn how they are influenced by different structures. This ability is especially important in a country where there has been a steady decline in voter turnout since 1994. Less than 20% of South Africans aged between 18 and 35 registered to vote in the recent local government elections. This is according to a report commissioned by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung [Home – Foundation Office South Africa – Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (]. The continuation of this trend will only lead to ever increasingly smaller voter turnouts. This means that fewer people will be actively engaged in shaping our democracy if this trend persists. Not surprisingly a host of negative events have coincided consistently with the decline in election participation. These include state capture, loadshedding, corruption, riots, looting and junk status.

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learners also gain an appreciation of our society’s rich diversity and the importance of tolerance in building a better future. This knowledge includes the history of our country and its people. 

Moreover, they gain the skills needed to analyse change in society. This is in addition to being able to recognise the responsible agents for positive change in society.

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learners

Importantly, GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learners also gain an appreciation of sustainability and its importance for society. This is in addition to an ability to explore the relationship between humans and the environment. In this way, they too can make suggestions for sustainable living. This supports South Africa’s vision to be a sustainable, economically prosperous and self-reliant nation. Government wants to achieve this while safeguarding its democracy. This is by meeting the fundamental needs of citizens and managing limited ecological resources responsibly for existing and future generations. Moreover, efficient and effective integrated planning and governance will be advanced via national, regional and global collaboration. Refer to National Framework for Sustainable Development in South Africa (

Individuals also develop skills in using different sources, such as maps and graphs, to understand and analyse information.

GETC: AET/ABET business skills

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 lady working on laptop

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 also imparts important business skills. This is via the diligent study of economic and management sciences. 

The subject focuses on the efficient and effective use of different types of private, public or collective resources. This is to satisfy people’s needs and wants. 

It comprises three main components, namely the economy; financial literacy; and entrepreneurship. The economy constitutes 30% of the subject. Entrepreneurship and financial literacy make up 30% and 40% of economic and management sciences, respectively.

Under economy, individuals learn about economic systems, including circular flow; price theory; and trade unions.

As part of the financial literacy component, individuals study the journals of a sole trader in detail. This includes posting to the general ledger; preparing a trial balance; and recording transactions.

When studying entrepreneurship, individuals learn about the sectors of the economy and the function of business. Thereafter, they also learn how to prepare of business plan. 


Individuals who complete this GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 band, will possess basic accountancy skills. They will also have a sound understanding of the different types of contracts and the role that they play in the economy. This includes government’s involvement in commerce and trade via policymaking and as a sizeable consumer of products and services. They will also possess a sound understanding of production and its impact on the economy. This is complemented by knowledge of various business structures; how to start a business; and the legal considerations involved. In addition, they will be able to analyse major South African economic systems and the roles individuals play in them. Moreover, they will possess knowledge of managerial skills and administrative systems.

It is imperative that young South African adults develop their entrepreneurial skills and “nose for business”. Research has shown that innovators create significant wealth and have considerable developmental influences on society. It is even more critical at a time when jobs are rapidly being replaced by technology. Refer to The Third Answer: How Market-Creating Innovation Drives Economic Growth and Development (

Fostering entrepreneurship among young people not only enables them to create their own opportunities and employment for peers. It can also help them to recognise and pursue employment opportunities that they might not have been able to otherwise.

GETC: AET/ABET natural sciences

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 natural sciences develops scientific knowledge and understanding. This includes science processing skills and an understanding of the importance of these proficiencies in society. 

These range of process skills can be deployed in everyday life; in the community; and in the workplace.

Studying natural sciences, individuals learn how to access and recall information from a variety of sources. These facts and key ideas are then used to build a conceptual framework. 

Learners also improve their observation skills by noting objects, organisms and events in detail during their studies. By identifying similarities and differences between objects, they also develop their comparison skills.

The subject also provides ample opportunity to develop and hone measurement skills. 

This is in addition to the ability to sort and classify according to specific criteria. For example, learners apply specific criteria to class items into a table, mind map or key list while studying.

Moreover, individuals learn how to identify problems and issues and articulate the needs and wants of people in society. 

Learners also develop and hone their questioning skills about problems, issues and natural phenomena.

Moreover, they learn how to predict; hypothesise; and plan and undertake investigations. This while using the appropriate apparatus and equipment. Individuals also learn how to collect data by observing and comparing; measuring and estimating; sequencing or sorting; and classifying.

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 elective

Studying the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 elective, employees learn how to systemically and accurately record data collated from an investigation. This includes the use of drawings, descriptions, tables and graphs to do so. 

As part of the study, individuals learn how to interpret information and design to demonstrate findings. This while considering the design brief, specifications and constraints.

Moreover, the subject provides ample opportunity to develop and refine evaluation skills. When assessing products, learners will use established criteria before implementing methods to improve or refine them.

The subject also involves extensive communication. This includes using written, oral, visual, graphic and other forms to convey information to others. 

Eligible for GETC: AET/ABET

To be eligible for GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1, individuals must have completed ABET Level 3. This AET level is equivalent to grade 7.

Within AET level 1, 2 and 3, the learning areas include fundamental and core. 

The fundamentals in ABET levels 1, 2 and 3 include language, literacy and communication, as well as numeracy. They are the basis needed to undertake the education, training or further learning required to obtain a qualification. Refer to South African Qualifications Authority Act 58 of 1995 (

Then there is the core category of subjects. These refer to unit standards from any six learning areas that have been identified as covering foundational general education. They include arts and culture and economic and management, as well as natural and human and social science. This is in addition to life orientation and technology.

Essential for Adult Learners

ABET levels 1 to 3 are essentially entry levels to the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 for adult learners. The Independent Examinations Board [] offers national examinations at these ABET levels twice a year in June and November. It also provides exams on request in communication and numeracy in English for these AET levels. These exams are written in February, April, August and October of every year.

The IEB provides a statement of results for each learner. This is in addition to Examiners’ Reports for examinations in which common errors and misconceptions are detailed. These reports enable accredited training providers to adjust their facilitation to learners’ needs.

The IEB is a registered assessment agency that is accredited by Umalusi Council [] to offer NQF 1 assessments. Umalusi Council sets and monitors standards for general and further education and training. This is done according to the requirements of the National Qualifications Framework Amendment Act. Refer to National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008 | South African Government (

Fundamental areas of GETC: AET/ABET

The fundamental learning areas of GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 receive particular focus from the IEB. This is when working closely with the Sector Education and Training Authorities and industry to address their specific training needs. Refer to SETAs of South Africa (

A learner must achieve at least 40% in language, literacy and communication and numeracy to obtain a GETC: AET/ABET. This is in addition to at least 40% in life orientation and the two other learning areas. Together, these results contribute towards the 120 credits needed to be awarded a GETC: ABET NQF 1. Refer to

The exam is evaluated, assessed and moderated by the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute []/IEB and Umalusi. This three-step process is a robust way of certifying the competence of learners. 

GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 duration

The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 duration is 12 months. GETC: ABET NQF 1 training can start at any time of the year and is tailored around your specific needs. Classes are also planned around production schedules with the total duration of instruction calculated accordingly.

Leveraging our large network of training facilitators, GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 training is undertaken at your premises. We do not charge for travel or accommodation when doing so. 

These facilitators are all qualified educators who are registered with the South African Council of Educators []. Importantly, they are also experienced in teaching adults literacy and numeracy skills. Our facilitators respect that their learners may have had poor past experiences with education. Meanwhile, others may not have been able to complete their basic education due to an array of unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, the learnership needs to be an all-round positive experience for employees or community members. Facilitators must, therefore, develop their confidence, self-esteem and keep them motivated to want to succeed through hands-on support. 

Our facilitators have all also undergone a week-long induction process to familiarise themselves with our unique processes and training materials. They also receive ongoing support from head-office to ensure that they are always at the cutting-edge of adult education. 

We also prefer to develop our own training materials considering the complexity involved in teaching adults basic education skills. Adults learn differently to children in that they do not just receive outside knowledge. Rather, adults examine their own reality themselves and make assertions about it. Therefore, our materials include many real-life examples and problems. These need to be solved with the literacy and numeracy skills that are being taught. This develops and further hones critical, logical and creative thinking skills.

Umalusi-accredited GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1

Triple E Training is a leading provider of Umalusi-accredited GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnerships for employed and unemployed individuals.

Our learnerships provide employers with many benefits.

Firstly, learnership employees are more likely to perform their work correctly the first time round and make fewer mistakes. Because they are able to give their best, they are also more productive. In addition, they are independent workers who can think for themselves. They are also more motivated because they know that their jobs are important to the overall success of the business. Moreover, they are committed and hard workers because they know what they want from their careers. 

Furthermore, companies can claim grants if they provide training that culminates into qualifications. However, these need to be registered on the NQF as is the case with the GETC: AET/ABET. These grants are connected to the actual cost of training and not levy payments. Usually, it is possible for employers to recuperate more than what has been paid in levies. This is if employers assist learners to complete learnerships.

Moreover, employers can claim a tax incentive when registering a learnership with a SETA. These are deductions on taxable income. They can be claimed for each learnership candidate that is in employment. This can be done once at the start of the learnership and again at its completion. The details of the tax incentive are contained in Government gazette No. 23 709. Refer to South Africa Gazettes 2002 – Gazettes.Africa. The entitlement derives from the Taxation laws Amendment Act, No 30 of 2002. Refer to Taxation Laws Amendment Act 30 of 2002 | South African Government (

Employers benefit from GETC: AET/ABET

Employers further benefit from GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 because it helps them to achieve their employment equity objectives.

Our learnerships provide previously disadvantaged employees with opportunities to improve their work. They also have the chance to obtain a qualification.

Bear in mind that skills development is a priority element of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Scorecard. Companies must meet the sub-minimum of 40% of the target score under this element. If this is not achieved, they will drop one level once verification is concluded.

This element in the scorecard uses targets. These are based on racial demographics of the national or provincial numbers of the active working population. It measures the direct and indirect monetary spend on the development of core, scarce and critical skills of black citizens. In determining employers’ scores, the targets are further broken down into specific criteria. This is according to the different race sub-groups within the definition of “black” South Africans.

Notably, bonus points are achieved if unemployed people who completed a learnership are absorbed into full-time employment.

AET has long been acknowledged by government as an important means of achieving redress. 

In its AET policy document, government notes that adult literacy and numeracy training helps build a just and equitable system. This is by providing good quality education and training to adult learners throughout the country. The Bill of Rights in the Constitution enshrines the right of all citizens “to a basic education.” It also specifically mentions the right of adults to a basic and further education. Refer to Furthermore, the White Paper on Education clarifies that the right to basic education applies to all persons. This includes children, youth and adults. Therefore, “basic education is a legal entitlement in which every person has a claim.” Refer to

GETC: AET/ABET also benefits employees

However, our GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership also benefits employees. It provides them with easy access to learning and increased employment opportunities. They also have the chance to learn while they earn a livelihood. Moreover, it assists them in career-pathing and self-development. It also accelerates their careers in current employment while serving as an entrance into industry for unemployed learners.

Learn more about Triple E Training and our adult literacy and numeracy training solutions.

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