South Africa boasts a world-class GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 qualification []. It compares with similar qualifications in many developed countries. They include the United States, Canada, Australia, Finland and the United Kingdom. These countries also offer excellent adult learning programmes that have been designed to meet specific needs. Among others, this includes developing the literacy skills of large and growing immigrant populations. In this way, these individuals can be integrated into host societies that speak different languages.
In these countries, the adult education system plays a critical role in building human capital of immigrants. Adults who attend these classes have limited host-country language proficiency. The inability to communicate in formal languages is a key integration challenge. It stifles effective functioning in both the community and workforce.
Many immigrants also do not have a high school diploma or equivalent qualification. Therefore, adult education enables these individuals to complete their basic education and even access postsecondary qualifications. This is in addition to jobs that pay a family-sustaining wage.
In the US, for example, immigrants who speak English earn more and are better accepted by Americans.
Meanwhile, there has also been a sharp increase in the immigrant population in South Africa. When migrant workers can communicate in English, the formal language of business, their chances of labour market success are greater. They also earn more than those who do not speak the language. Refer to,in%20South%20Africa’s%20labour%20market for more reading on the topic. This is but one study undertaken in the field.
Focus areas of GETC: AET/ABET
One of the focus areas of the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 is to equip individuals with workplace literacy skills. Many of the international adult education programmes from which the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 draws inspiration also fulfil this purpose.
Their economies also rely on employees with higher skills levels. As a bare minimum, employees need to be able to read and write and do basic maths.
Many of these countries are already in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which relies on employees with specialist skills. Many of these are the “soft” kind. These are skills that machines cannot perform. They do not have empathy; work in teams with other individuals; and emotional intelligence. There are a lot of general and routine jobs that can be mechanised and automated. However, to perform effectively, machines are reliant upon proficient operators who can also solve problems and make decisions. This also requires creative, critical and logical thinking, as well as communication skills. These are founded upon a basic education, including the study of literacy and numeracy.
The World Economic Forum surveyed a number of international companies to determine which skills were in high demand in 2023. Refer to its report [].
Analytical thinking was considered the most important skill by surveyed companies. It constituted about 9% of the core skills reported. This was followed by cognitive thinking and then self-efficacy. Self-efficacy includes resilience, flexibility and agility; motivation and self-awareness; and curiosity and lifelong learning. They are important because they enable modern workers to respond quickly to “disruption” in the workplace.
Employers are also looking for staff who can work well with others. This is facilitated by empathy, active listening, leadership and social influence. Quality control was also high on the agenda as a skill in 2023.
GETC: AET/ABET addresses skills deficits
In South Africa, GETC: AET/ABET addresses skills deficits that are much more fundamental than those required for 4IR.
Bear in mind that functional literacy alone is insufficient to deal with current world challenges. Therefore, it will certainly not be enough to tackle future problems.
Modern employees and those of the 4IR must be able to read maps. They need to be able to recognise two-dimensional diagrams of three-dimensional objects. Moreover, they need to be able to do quick arithmetic calculations and understand the nature of a contract. They must also have an ability to foresee the consequences of actions. Furthermore, they must be able to determine the difference in tone and register. Without these abilities, the quality of peoples’ lives will be very poor in 4IR. Functional illiteracy is already a major impediment for the more 4-million adult who have not attained a basic education. These are skills many of us take for granted.
Without being able to read for meaning, people cannot gain a scientific understanding of the world. This knowledge enables us to detect relations between objects and events in our lives. They allow us to determine cause from effect and these from correlation. Without this capacity, individuals cannot cope with future challenges. These are not only those that 4IR claims will solve, but also those problems it will engender.
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 skills are the basis of these proficiencies.
South Africa is lagging behind the rest of the world in terms of adopting 4IR technologies. However, the country will have to do so if it intends competing effectively at a global level. This will entail equipping employees with basic education skills that enable them to continue learning. Then there is the enormous challenge of upskilling the many functionally illiterate unemployed adults in the country.
Education plays a crucial role in equipping young people with the skills and competencies necessary to succeed in the workforce. However, only 9,8% of the employed youth were graduates. This is according to the Quarterly Labour Force Survey []. Limited educational attainment, as well as social and economic disadvantages, are the primary factors driving elevated rates of unemployment. It is also behind the significant proportion of youth not in employment, education, or training in South Africa.
Access to GETC: AET/ABET training
The Department of Higher Education and Training [] has called for improved access to GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 training.
“Illiteracy has no room in a modern society, since we live in an age of technology and information,” it says. “In addition, the more people who have gone to school, the better the community and global competitiveness of a country.” As a solution, the DHET wants to step up state sponsored AET programmes.
The WEF survey notes that as skills are being disrupted, international companies are scaling their training programmes. In the 2020 Future of Jobs Report [], companies estimated that 42% of their staff had completed training. This was geared at bridging the skills gap. That share receded slightly to 41% in 2023. Even so, it remains a major focus of enterprising companies.
Businesses surveyed see skills gaps in the local labour market as the biggest barrier towards industry transformation. Therefore, investing in learning and training on the job are considered the most promising workforce strategy for achieving business goals. Formulating effective reskilling and upskilling strategies for the next five years is imperative for business success.
Access to GETC: AET/ABET
The DHET intends enhancing access to GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 training. This strategy is outlined in the National Development Plan 2030 []. It is also outlined in the White Paper on Post-School Education and Training []. These policy documents call on Community Education and Training colleges [] to have a clear identity and purpose. In addition, they must offer a variety of courses. These range from AET to secondary and second-chance matric programmes for adults.
State-sponsored initiatives will complement the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnerships already on offer by the private sector.
Enterprising companies have realised that learnerships provide an efficient mechanism for them to actively shape the future workforce. By investing in the future workforce, they are also contributing to broader societal upliftment. This is considering that learnerships are an important way for companies to extend their influence beyond boardrooms. They provide hope and opportunities to those who would not otherwise have a chance to develop their skills. A case in point is the higher incentives offered to unemployed members of designated groups who have disabilities.
Companies are incentivised to sponsor learnerships for unemployed individuals and their employees. Companies that do so maximise points for the skills development element of their Broad-Based Economic Empowerment scorecards []. In addition to demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion, a positive rating can create opportunities for new business. This is considering the benefit of procuring services from “black-empowered” companies.
Furthermore, organisations benefit from tax rebates and discretionary and mandatory grants. Refer to Also refer to these resources:,,, and
GETC: AET/ABET a resounding success
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 has been a resounding success. Therefore, the Department of Basic Education [] intends introducing one for school leavers. This is planned for 2025.
It will acknowledge learners’ accomplishments at the end of their grade 9 school year. Currently, about 40% of learners who exit the education system without a qualification would achieve a GETC. This will provide them with some currency upon entering the labour market and, therefore, positively impact youth unemployment.
The DBE believes that this will provide young people with an opportunity to assess their strengths and weaknesses. This will help them to make better career choices.
The GETC is not meant for job-seeking purposes. Rather, it is intended as a career pathing certificate that will help grade 9 learners to make career choices. Learners who usually complete grade 9 want to work. As holders of a GETC, employers know what they are capable of.
The certificate is integral to the department’s new Three Stream model []. This places learners on multiple educational paths. They include the traditional academic; vocational or occupational, depending on school performance.
Meanwhile, the DBE will continue to pilot the CETC qualification in 1 000 schools in this year and the next. A focus of the trial this year will also be Schools of Skill [].
It will also continue to develop and strengthen the vocational and occupational streams in tandem with the DHET. This will ensure that these programmes allow grade 9 GETC holders to enter Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges.
South Africa’s GETC: AET/ABET learnership
South Africa’s GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership also compares favourably to adult education programmes in Gambia and Namibia.
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [], Namibia’s illiteracy rate was 91,53% in 2018. The male and female literacy rates are 91,63% and 91,44%, respectively. Notably, literacy has been on the rise in the country.
In 2022, the adult literacy rate for Gambia was 58,7%. Between 2000 and 2022, the adult literacy rate for the country grew substantially from only 36,8%. Much of the credit needs to be given to enterprising adult basic education programmes in the country.
In 2021, South Africa’s illiteracy rate was 10,5%. Notably, this was an improvement of two percentage points from 2019. It was also a significant reduction of 6,9 percentage points over the past 10 years. Refer to Fact Sheet – Adult Illiteracy in South Africa – March 2023.pdf (
Youth – people aged between 15 and 24 years – literacy rates in sub-Saharan African have increased over two decades. In 2011, the youth literacy rate was 70%. This suggests that adult literacy will also increase as these citizens grow older. However, youth literacy rates in sub-Saharan Africa are the lowest of any region. The adult literacy rate in the region may have improved by 10%. Yet, there is a high disparity between literacy for women and men. Seven and 10 sub-Saharan African adults can read. This is compared to only half of the women population in the region who are able to do so.
A study by the World Bank shows that the number of girls out-of-school is increasing. The gender gap in learning outcomes and enrolment rates in sub-Saharan Africa is particularly pronounced in secondary and tertiary education. This is especially in science, technology, engineering and maths [].
Importance of AET: GETC
The importance of programmes such as AET: GETC NQF 1 in the region is evident. This is considering that more than one in three adults in sub-Saharan African cannot read. At the same time, the basic education system needs to be significantly strengthened in this African region. Bear in mind that 48-million sub-Saharan African youth are illiterate. At the same time, 22% of primary-aged children in sub-Saharan Africa are not in school. This means that 30-million children of that age have a very bleak future.
Meanwhile, 75% of all children aged between five and nine in the region do not attend school. GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1-type qualifications provide a second chance of their individuals. Without this opportunity, they may struggle to find employment. Those performing in low-wage jobs will never have a chance to earn more, fuelling inequality. Income inequalities in Africa are already high. In 2021, the share of the top 10% cluster on the continent accounted for about 54% of the total national income. This is more than six time the share held by the bottom 50%. Refer to
Developing GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1
In developing the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1, stakeholders looked for inspiration from adult basic education programmes in the United States.
Adult basic education programmes are offered at various American institutions such as Columbia Basin College []. It forms part of the Adult Community Programme, consisting of two areas of focus. They include adult basic education [] and General Education and Development preparation [].
Adult basic education focuses predominantly on teaching reading, writing and mathematics to students who are 28 years or older. Learners’ literacy and numeracy skills are first assessed to determine the gaps that need to be bridged. This is very similar to the assessments of candidates’ literacy and numeracy skills that undertaken in South Africa. These enable learners to be placed at the correct AET level.
Notably, the United States also offers family literacy as part of adult basic education. This subject equips parents with the literacy skills that they need to be better caregivers. They are also equipped with the skills that they need to support their children in their academic pursuits. In this way, the United States is counteracting inter-generational illiteracy. Refer to for more reading on the topic. The course integrates topics such as parenting; early childhood education; and home visits. These courses are facilitated together with local school districts and other relevant agencies.
On the other hand, GED preparation grooms and coaches adults for the GED test.
Essentially the American programme focuses on the fundamental component of GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1. This provides a foundation upon which to build. Our qualification is much broader and features more learning areas. Similar to a formal schooling model, the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 also allows a choice of vocational learning areas.
GETC: AET/ABET offers academic learning
Like the British Columbian adult basic education, GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 offers academic learning areas. Therefore, the province’s adult basic education programmes were also used to inform our own GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1.
Both models provide learners with a firm foundation in human and social, as well as natural sciences. These prepare them for further vocational or occupational learning. However, the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 features more elective specialisation areas to better prepare learners for vocational training.
In British Columbia, most adult basic education programmes are offered via distance learning. Various learning pathways are also available to adult learners.
A case in point is a qualification that provides an alternative route to achieve a Grade 22 standing. It is known as the Adult Dogwood Graduation Diploma []. The qualification is issued by the Ministry of Education & Training [].
Intermediate and Advanced Certificates are issued by Capilano University []. It also provides prerequisites for career and vocational programmes throughout the province. Fundamental level instruction provides basic reading and writing, as well as numbers skills.
GETC: AET/ABET satisfies employers’ requirements
The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 satisfies employers’ requirements in terms of workplace literacy skills. This is another similarity it shares with British Columbia’s adult basic education programme.
Certain high school courses may qualify as transfer credit towards adult basic education certificates. The programme also offers instruction for learners preparing for GED tests. Meanwhile, advanced and provincial level courses may also be used for transfer credit towards regular or Adult Dogwood Certificates.
The country’s adult basic education programme offers courses that are tuition-free for all local students. They enable students to improve their knowledge of English, maths, biology, general science, chemistry, physics, history, social studies and computers.
The learning pathways include preparation for employment and personal desire to upgrade or refresh mastery of a subject. This is in addition to secondary school qualifications that are demanded by employers. Other pathways include career and technical training, as well as academic studies, which include university programmes.
CGEA similar to GETC: AET/ABET
Australia’s CGEA model is similar to our GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 in that it also comprises core and elective components. CGEA stands for “Certificates in General Education for Adults” [].
However, the core component of the CGEA is more aligned to the fundamental component of the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1. It provides a limited choice in terms of language, literacy and communication; mathematical literacy; or mathematics and mathematical science. This is considering that learning area components are fixed. Yet, learners can select either mathematical literacy or mathematical science depending on their chosen vocational area.
The elective specialisation areas of the CGEA are based more on curriculum topics. Conversely, the GETC AET NQF 1 includes further academic and vocational learning area options. These include information and communication technology; human and social sciences; and ancillary health care. However, it is lacking in areas of community, history and research topic areas.
In Australia, adult learners can enrol for a variety of CGEA certificates. The course outline includes a choice of core units and specialist core skills. These encompass a range of special interest elective unit standards that enable learners to develop their own learning path. The elective units are common to all certificate levels and are listed after the core units and skills. Moreover, a range of competencies from relevant training packages can be offered as “electives”.
Benchmarking GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1
Benchmarking the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 against international standards is important. This is considering the strides that countries such as Australia have made in terms of reducing functional illiteracy.
Australian adult learners must choose three reading core skills to learn. They may decide to learn how to engage with short simple texts for personal, learning, employment or to participate in communities.
Adult learners must also choose three writing core skills to study. They may decide to learn how to create short simple texts for personal, learning, or employment. Another option is to learn how to write to participate in communities.
Australian adult learners must also choose two numeracy and mathematic core skills to learn. They may decide to learn how to recognise time, money and directions; measurement and design; or numerical and statistical information.
There is no formal examination. Assessment of learning is continuous focusing on the process of learning and competencies outlined in the modules of the CGEA.
GETC: AET/ABET inspired by Finland
The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 is also inspired by Finland’s adult basic education model. However, the Finnish system focuses more on harnessing specific skills in the workplace and to develop responsible citizens. This is done by promoting lifelong learning.
Adult education is provided by more than 2 000 educational institutions in the country. There are only a few that specialise specifically in adult education. However, the majority of these programmes are provided outside formal educational institutions in workplaces that have been organised by employers.
This is not to say that all adult education is geared specifically at imparting occupational skills. For instance, there are liberal adult education programmes that provide instruction in civics or social studies.
Adult education is provided in polytechnic universities; vocational schools and education centres; and national specialised and vocational institutions. It is also offered at adult education centres and workers’ institutes; folk high schools; and summer universities. Moreover, learners attend these classes at general upper secondary schools for adults; study and physical education centres; and music institutes.
Adults can complete the basic or upper secondary education syllabus. They then write the matriculation examination in general upper secondary schools for adults. Alternatively, they have the option to write the matriculation examination in adult study lines in regular upper secondary schools. Instruction is mostly facilitated in the evening and is course based. Many adults mainly study languages as individual subjects.
GETC: AET/ABET establishes international benchmark
Our GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 sets an international benchmark for adult basic education. This is considering that it also compares favourably to the UK adult basic education system.
The UK model embraces similar aspects to the components of the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1. It includes academic and vocational learning areas and is based on curriculum subjects. However, the UK model features a wider selection of vocational subjects.
The UK developed an entry level qualification to encourage and recognise achievement of learners in a variety of contexts. They are known as certificates. There are currently more than 100 entry-level certificates available in a range of subjects. These include curriculum subjects such as English, science and mathematics. This is in addition to vocational subjects such as retail, hairdressing and office practice. There are also general qualifications such as working life and life skills. Subjects that cover basic skills, such as literacy and numeracy, are also available.
The Ofqual and the Standards Testing Agency ensure that entry level vocational qualifications provide useful introductions to relevant working practices. Refer to Standards and Testing Agency – GOV.UK ( and Ofqual – GOV.UK (
The certificates comprise units which learners can achieve separately until the full certificate is attained.
GETC: AET/ABET sets African standard
South Africa’s GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 also sets an African standard in adult basic education.
It complements the efforts made by countries such as Gambia and Namibia to equip their adult populations with basic education skills.
Gambia’s adult and non-formal education is targeted at youth and adults who have left school prematurely. It is also available to adults who want to learn new skills.
Until 1997, this service was mainly delivered by the Gambian government and few non-governmental organisations (NGOs). However, government has since outsourced this service to NGOs and community-based organisations.
Meanwhile, the National Literacy Programme [] in Namibia is divided into three stages which each take a year to complete. A learner may repeat a stage only once.
Stage one introduces learners to the basic syllabus in their own mother tongue. Learning how to write correctly is an important activity of this stage.
Stage two presents functional instructional materials which offer useful knowledge and skills in various subjects. Among others, subjects include agriculture, health, small business and civics.
Stage three introduces learners to basic English.
The completion of the three stages is equivalent to Grade 4 in primary school.
Adults can then complete the Adult Upper Primary Programme [].
It is a three-year course in which learners are expected to take two subjects per year. Each subject consists of three modules. Individuals who have completed the course have skills at a grade 7 level.
GETC: AET/ABET provides fundamental basis
The GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 provides the fundamental basis of general education. It equips learners with knowledge, skills and values in specified learning areas. Moreover, they can select elective unit standards which relate to occupational-type elective unit standards. These are applicable to occupational-type learning that is relevant to areas of interest or specialisation.
Therefore, the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 facilitates recognition to learners who achieve the necessary requirements and competencies. These are according to the exit level outcomes and associated assessment criteria. It also offers a solid general education learning foundation. This prepares and enables learners to access further education and training. Certainly, particular focus is on facilitating access to occupational workplace-based or vocational qualifications. Moreover, the GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 promotes and facilitates lifelong learning and prepares learners to function effectively in society.
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 qualification
Learners who achieve a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 qualification can choose a vocational learning route. These include vocational qualifications at NQF levels 2, 3 and 4. They are offered by reputable technical and vocational education and training colleges [].
The NCV is a high-quality qualification that enables individuals to start studying in a chosen field after Grade 9. Learners complete NCV level 2, 3 and 4 as opposed to Grade 10, 11 and 12. Once they have finished the programme, they matriculate with working experience.
Individuals who pass level 4 can also apply to study at universities and Technikons. This is so long as their qualification is in a similar career field to the programme that they studied. The university and Technikon’s regular application process and requirements still apply. However, many learners prefer working after completing level 4. It is easier for them to do so because they have gained actual workplace experience while studying. This provides them with a great benefit and professional lead above their grade 12 counterparts. Individuals who passed grade 12 can only start gaining work experience after three to four more years of studying.
Holders of GETC: AET/ABET qualifications
Holders of GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 qualifications can cope with occupational specific courses at NQF 2 and above.
Occupational qualifications integrate knowledge, practical skills and workplace learning into the curriculum. This is achieved via work-integrated learning (WIL). WIL is a general term used to refer to all matters relating to the work experience of occupational qualifications. It takes various forms. These include simulated; work-directed theoretical; problem and project-based; and work experience.
WIL is a structured component of an occupational qualification. The volume of learning allocated to WIL should be appropriate to the purpose of the occupational qualification. It also needs to be relevant to the cognitive demands of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria. These are contained in the appropriate level descriptor.
Refer to for more information on occupational qualifications.
Attaining GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1
Attaining a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 also enables individuals to enrol for adult matric. This is so that they can attain a Senior Certificate [Senior Certificate (]. A NQF 4 qualification will also provide access to entry level jobs that do not require high certificate, diploma or degree.
Adult matric comprises three compulsory and the same number of elective subjects. Two language subjects need to be chosen. One needs to be a home and the other a first-additional language. Moreover, one mathematics subject needs to be chosen.
“Electives” include physical, life and agricultural sciences; business studies; economics; accounting; history; geography; and religious studies.
Language, literacy and communication (LLC) is one of the core electives of GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1. Together with training in basic numbers skills, this unit standard counts 33% towards the qualification.
This subject imparts an ability to speak and listen confidently and understand how language is used in different contexts. Individuals who have completed LLC will have also developed an ability to use language for problem-solving and decision-making. This is in addition to using it for creative, critical and evaluative thinking. They are also effective readers who can reference information and understand different writing styles. Moreover, they possess strong writing skills that enablee them to communicate effectively in the written word for various purposes.
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learners
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learners will have to demonstrate competence in the various skills learnt during LLC classes.
How speaking and listening strategies are used to communicate confidently for a variety of purposes and contexts will be evaluated. Learners will also have to demonstrate competence in the use of and response to language conventions and structures. This is to convey meaning and understanding in a variety of contexts.
They will also have to identify a variety of learning strategies and show how they are used to access and convey information.
Moreover, learners will be expected to read and respond to a variety of texts. In doing so, they must demonstrate critical awareness of their purpose, themes and contexts.
A range of texts will also be explored, planned and drafted. This is to reflect ideas, facts, opinions, different purposes, audiences and contexts in creative, expressive or imaginative ways.
Knowledge of language conventions and how they are used to organise texts in a logical and coherent manner will also be assessed. Learners will also have to explain and analyse them in terms of form and function.
Their verbal communication skills will also be assessed. This is by showing that they know how to use them to explain ideas. They will have to do this in a sequenced way and across a range of transactional situations. These include requests, apologies, role-players and by stating points of view.
Learners also need to identify non-verbal strategies and discuss their influence on listeners.
Moreover, they will have to demonstrate their proficiency in interaction skills. This is in addition to their critical awareness of the use of language style for various circumstances.
Mathematical literacy of GETC: AET/ABET
Mathematical literacy of GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 teaches a broad range of basic numeracy skills. This includes an understanding of how geometry is used to describe and interpret surroundings. Training is also provided in the use of maps and scale drawings. The subject also teaches how to draw objects from different angles and solve problems involving area, volume and perimeter. Moreover, instruction is facilitated in data collection, analysis and displace. Learners are also taught how to use math to solve real-world problems in different contexts. This is in addition to how number systems are used in different cultures.
GETC: AET/ABET basic numbers skills
Learners will have to demonstrate competence in GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 basic numbers skills to pass this subject.
They must show that they know how geometrical shapes are identified and described. This is in terms of their uses and measurement in different contexts.
They will also have to demonstrate how mathematical scales are used to interpret and draw maps. This is for specific purposes and given equations.
In addition, they will have to demonstrate an ability to solve measurement problems using various strategies.
Learners’ ability to measure everyday objects using the correct instruments and units will also be appraised.
They will also have to demonstrate competence in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data to show relationships and variations.
Learners will also have to show that they know how to use number calculations to solve realistic and abstract problems.
Moreover, they will have to demonstrate competence in the use of various mathematical techniques and strategies to calculate problems. This must be done across a range of contexts. They include financial, measurement, statistics and proportion, comprising time, distance, speed, measurement, volume and temperature. Life issues include human rights, social, economic, cultural and environmental. These will involve known geometric figures and solids, or measurement, estimation, calculation and use formulae and measurement selection.
Data will be collected by selecting appropriate methods to investigate a question on an issue. Methods include using questionnaires, interviews, experiments. This is in addition to consulting textbooks, libraries, the internet, media articles and documentaries. Issues include social, economic, environmental, political, human rights and inclusivity. This is in addition to characteristics of target groups; attitudes; or opinions of people on issues. Data will be organised using a variety of techniques appropriate to the investigation. Techniques will include summarising, sorting, sequencing and classifying.
GETC: AET/ABET NQF life orientation
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 life orientation bolsters learners’ self-awareness and esteem. It also equips learners with financial literacy and budgeting skills and awareness of health and safety in various situations. Moreover, it teaches ethical behaviour and understanding rights and responsibilities. Learners also gain knowledge of sexual health, hygiene and healthy habits. The subject also imparts an appreciation of inclusivity and diversity.
This core subject contributes 17% towards attaining a GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1.
To pass the subject, learners will have to demonstrate an understanding of the nature, transmission and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. This is as explained in terms of outlining coping mechanisms for infected and affected individuals.
They will also have to demonstrate an understanding of the factors that influence a healthy lifestyle. This is so that they can make informed personal choices. Factors include social, ecological, political and cultural.
Learners will also have to show that they understand the role of personal hygiene. They will have to explain it in terms of the consequences of poor nutrition, as well as the abuse of alcohol, drugs and medicines.
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learners
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learners will also have to explain how sports and recreation promote healthy lifestyles.
They will also have to show that they know how to promote positive relationships. This is to develop strategies to cope with personal and emotional challenges.
Moreover, they must explain the rights and responsibilities of individuals. This is in relation to ethical behaviour in the workplace and how they contribute to nation building.
Learners who have completed this subject will also be able show that they understand ways of engaging in the community. This is to promote self-esteem and concept. They will also understand their individual roles in developing communities. These competencies will also be thoroughly assessed.
Moreover, they will be asked to draw up a budget with agreed goals and priorities. This is in addition to scheduling a plan to achieve goals that include realistic responsibilities.
They will also be expected to identify and explain safety, security and environmental risks.
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1’s “electives”
GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1’s “electives” include human and social; economic and management; and natural sciences. They count 50% towards the qualification.
The study of human and social sciences imparts an understanding of social justice, human rights and democracy. This is in addition to how they are influenced by different structures. Learners of this subject also gain appreciation of diversity and the importance of promoting tolerance. Moreover, they are taught how to analyse change in society and agents responsible for transformation. They also gain an understanding of sustainability. This is in addition to its importance for society, the environment and finite resources. Attending this class, learners will explore the relationship between humans and the environment. In doing so, they will also suggest solutions for sustainable living. They will also hone and refine their skills in using various sources to understand and analyse information. Local history and its impact on people and communities are an important topic also covered by the subject.
Economic and management sciences teach the basics of accounting. Attending these classes, learners will also explore different types of contracts and their role in the economy. This includes the part that government plays in formulating and implementing policy and in procuring goods and services. Furthermore, the subject imparts an understanding of production and its impact on the local economy. It also covers the various business structures; how to start a business; and the legal considerations involved. Learners will also analyse significant South African economic systems and the role citizens play in them. Moreover, they will develop knowledge of managerial skills and administrative systems.
Natural sciences of GETC: AET/ABET
Natural sciences of GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 explains natural phenomena using scientific concepts and principles. It investigates scientific questions by experimenting and analysing evidence. Moreover, the subject imparts an understanding of science and technology on society, including economic development and life quality. Learners who attend this class also gain an appreciation of the value of indigenous knowledge. They develop, hone and refine scientific inquiry skills. This includes the ability to plan investigations; collect data; and draw conclusions. Furthermore, they will analyse how science helps to manage natural and artificial resources. This is in addition to gaining a broad understanding of science. In doing so, they will learn about its nature, limitations, methods and everyday applications.
When writing their exams, learners will have to demonstrate that they understand the underlying knowledge and concepts. They must also be able to construct an argument using learning area knowledge and defend it deploying appropriate evidence.
In addition, they will need to demonstrate an ability to explore and explain basic community or work ideas and topics. They must do so by using the skills associated with a relevant learning area.
To pass the exams, learners will also need to be able to produce models to depict concepts. This is in addition to making deductions and conclusions based on cause and effect.
They must also have an ability to demonstrate that the values relating to a learning area are understood. This is by explaining them in various modes of delivery.
Learners will also be expected to analyse the values pertaining to a learning area. This is in terms of own value systems or principles of behaviour.
Our GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 training can start at any time of the year. The training assignment is tailored to suit your specific needs and planned around your production schedules.
In addition, we facilitate AET at your premises – no matter how remote the location. We also do not charge for travelling and accommodation expenses. Our vast national footprint enables us to extend the reach of quality AET quickly, easily and cost-effectively.
Our learnership is available to employed and unemployed individuals who have passed AET level 3 numeracy and literacy.
Alternatively, learners may write a readiness assessment. This will determine if they will be able to cope with GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 training. These are also undertaken at your premises by trained professionals.
Learn more about our GETC: AET/ABET NQF 1 learnership.