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ABET Level 1 – the first step

ABET Level 1 is the first step many low skilled employees need to take towards becoming functionally literate. They have been correctly placed at this ABET level after undergoing a placement assessment. A placement assessment evaluates the extent of your English literacy and numeracy skills. Employees who have completed ABET Level 1 have English literacy and numeracy levels that are equivalent to those of someone who has completed Grade 3 at school.

There are three more ABET levels through which your employees will need to progress. Employees who have completed an ABET programme will hold a qualification at a National Qualifications Framework Level 1. An ABET Level 4 certificate is issued by Umalusi Council and is equivalent to a Grade 9. Umalusi Council establishes and monitors standards for general and further education and training in South Africa. It undertakes this according to the National Qualifications Framework Act and the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act.

For further reading on Umalusi Council refer to Consult and for more information on these important acts. This is invaluable knowledge that will help to better inform your skills development and training initiatives for low skilled employees.

ABET Level 1 literacy and numeracy

Low skilled employees who have completed ABET Level 1 have a solid foundation upon which to develop their literacy and numeracy skills. This is undertaken via further adult literacy training and adult numeracy training. Each ABET Level is designed to incrementally increase your employees’ overall knowledge of English literacy and numeracy.

Employees who have completed ABET Level 1 understand the relation between letters and sounds and among print and spoken words. They are also able to read simple texts that contain high frequency and phonically regular words. Moreover, they are able to use skills and insights to pronounce new words. In terms of writing, learners are taught how to create non-phonetic letter strings. A major focus of this level of adult literacy training is to develop your employees’ phonological awareness and letter-sound knowledge. This is in addition to enhancing their capability to manipulate phonemes and syllables.

These skills are taught in the context of print. Employees are given ample opportunity to manipulate, trace and hear the sound of letters. Therefore, literacy instruction incorporates listening to stories and informational texts that are read aloud by ABET Level 1 facilitators. Employees are also expected to read out loud and silently as part of level 1 adult literacy training. Moreover, they will write letters, words, messages and stories. As part of these beginning phases of adult literacy training, learners are also provided ample opportunity to apply practices and strategies.

ABET Level 1 mathematical skills


ABET Level 1 learners start developing their mathematical skills while completing adult literacy training. Adult literacy training and adult numeracy training compliment each other. Mathematical thinking helps individuals to develop conceptualisation, ordered thinking and visualisation skills. They use language-based skills, such as reading and writing, to infer, comprehend and connect new information to the world that they know.

During these early phases of adult numeracy training, low skilled employees are taught to accurately produce verbal number sequences from 1 to 20 forward and 10 to 1 backwards. They also learn how to identify and sequence numerals from 1 to 10. Low skilled employees who have completed this level of adult numeracy training will be able to accurately add collections of visible items by counting from one. In doing so, they will be able to construct each collection and count from one to develop the sum. Moreover, they know how numbers exist as nested quantities.

ABET Level 1 in workplaces

ABET Level 1 is a sound start made by low skilled employees to acquire the skills that they need to perform at their peak in workplaces. However, adult literacy training and adult numeracy training also impart skills that your employees need to grow and develop their careers. Individuals who have completed an ABET programme also have the skills that they need to function effectively in their communities and society at large. English literacy and numeracy skills are not only used to perform our jobs.

They are critical skills that are required for effective functioning in just about every facet of life. Importantly, ABET also imparts the skills that individuals need to continue learning. These benefits are a strong enough motivation for low skilled employees to want to complete workplace adult literacy training and adult numeracy training programmes. These will be explained to your low skilled employees during an awareness campaign. An awareness campaign is undertaken ahead of an ABET programme. When employees understand the relevance of the training, they will be determined to complete their learning journey.

ABET Level 1 training

Employees are selected for ABET Level 1 training because their illiteracy and innumeracy skills are of such a low level that they cannot perform their jobs according to expectation. Some employees may start their adult literacy training and adult numeracy training at subsequent ABET levels. Others may even have to first complete pre-ABET as they are not ready for Level 1 instruction. These decisions are based on the outcome of a placement assessment by your accredited training provider.

Low skilled employees with poor literacy and numeracy skills tend to make basic mistakes because they do not understand clear instructions. Thus, their work often needs to be redone. This results in a waste of resources and time, which also causes bottlenecks in the production process. It also places unnecessary strain on supervisors and management. In fact, excessive wastage is a tell-tale sign that literacy and numeracy levels of your employees are low. This is especially if this still occurs when you have implemented incentives or penalties to reduce waste. You have also clearly communicated the reason for these interventions to your team.

Employees with poor literacy and numeracy skills are also unable to produce quality paperwork. Their forms and reports are completed incorrectly or left unfinished, hampering administration. They also do not provide feedback that will help to improve processes and they avoid situations that involve making decisions and solving problems. Poor literacy and numeracy skills can also cost you customers and clients. This is because functionally illiterate employees may avoid responding to their requests or process their orders incorrectly or even leave them incomplete.

ABET Level 1 and subsequent levels

ABET Level 1 and subsequent levels of adult literacy training and adult numeracy training also compliment your health and safety protocols.

Low skilled employees who are functionally illiterate are prone to making accidents. This is because they are not engaged and do not know how to perform their jobs in a healthy and safe manner. Bear in mind that employees who do not have foundational skills will not be able to respond appropriately to health and safety training. This is also true for other workplace training interventions that are geared at enhancing or honing employees’ skills. These employees will also resist new initiatives that have been implemented at the company to improve processes.

Moreover, they will be reluctant to accept additional responsibilities – even if this involves improved earnings and other perks. Illiteracy also negatively impacts the morale and confidence of your employees. In these ways, productivity is also negatively impacted. Absenteeism is also very high in companies with high levels of functional illiteracy. Employees usually do not attend work on day when training is taking place.

ABET Levels 1 to 4

Triple E Training is a leading provider of ABET Levels 1 through to 4. The many thousands of low skilled employees who have completed our adult literacy training and adult numeracy training are assets to their team. They possess verbal and written communication skills. Moreover, they can do basic maths, a skill which is deployed to, among other functions, count money, take measurements and inventory stock. They also understand standard operating procedure, as well as safety, health, environment and quality protocol. Employees who have completed our ABET programmes can also use technology, solve problems and make informed decisions.

Importantly, they are also using their newfound skills to play a more meaningful role in their communities and society at large. They have the basis of digital literacy skills. This enables them to use a computer and the internet, as well as understand and critically assess digital media.

Moreover, they can create content and communications in this digital and information-rich era. Equipped with financial literacy skills, they are able to make informed judgements and effective decisions regarding the use and management of money. They also use their literacy and numeracy skills to obtain and understand basic health-related information. This enables them to make appropriate decisions that will help to ensure their own wellbeing and that of their family.

Learn more about Triple E Training, as well as our quality adult literacy training and adult numeracy training solutions.

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