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English writing breaks communication barriers

English writing breaks communication barriers in business. Employees who have completed our adult literacy training are effective communicators in both the spoken and written word. Which facilitates the seamless flow of information that is needed to reduce downtime and avoid mistakes that lead to delays and waste. In extenuating circumstances, misunderstandings can even result in unsatisfied customers and clients.

This can cost you lost sales. There is also a close connection between workplace health and safety and functional literacy skills. Employees who have poor literacy skills will not understand health and safety protocol. They will also lack the confidence that they need to ask their higher-ups to help them to better understand it. This is in addition to other important business procedures that they do not grasp. It is best that communication between employer and employee of such a serious nature is always undertaken in writing.

This is opposed to only explaining to the employee what is required verbally. However, this approach could work if it is followed with a written synopsis of the discussion and acknowledgment of receipt in writing from the employee. Enterprising managers will also ask their employees to summarise the discussion in their own words to ensure that they now understand what is required of them and the any ambiguity has been cleared. Employees who can write will be able to oblige or relay further concerns with their supervisors or managers.

They are functionally literate. Functional literacy refers to the ability to apply English literacy skills in all facets of life. This includes in the workplace. For this reason, functional literacy is also referred to as “workplace literacy”, an essential 21st century skill. Read more about the skills that South African businesses need in this digital era. English literacy and numeracy training are the fundamental building blocks of these digital skills.

English writing training for employees

English writing training is important especially in a country such as South Africa. Bear in mind that English is not spoken as a first language by the vast majority of the country’s citizens. Yet, English is the formal language of business. Many South Africans, therefore, do not have the opportunity to continue practicing their English literacy skills so that they can improve and refine them. This is so that they are sufficiently polished for use in the modern workplace. Language skills deteriorate quickly if they are not practiced regularly. English was brought to the country during colonialism. After the first democratic elections, it was adopted as the formal language of business, politics and learning to facilitate communication in the country.

This is considering the many different indigenous languages in the country that complicate communication. IsiZulu is actually the largest language in the country, and it is spoken by 23% of South African citizens. It is followed by isiXhosa which is spoken by 16% of the population. Only 10% of South African citizens speak English as a home language. This means that more South African citizens also speak Afrikaans as a home language than those who prefer to communicate in English outside of the workplace. Due to the stubborn legacies of a past regime, many low skilled employees are indigenous South Africans.

They urgently need adult literacy training. For a complete breakdown of a distribution of the various languages spoken by South Africans inside and outside the workplace refer to South Africa: languages spoken within households | Statista. Therefore, quality adult literacy training is not only geared at employees who have not had the opportunity to complete their basic education. It is also geared at employees who only communicate in English as a second or even a third or fourth language. This is so that they can also communicate more efficiently in the workplace.

English writing and workplace communication

Manyemployees who hold a National Senior Certificate, therefore, also participate in adult literacy training to improve their English writing and other workplace communication skills. Certainly, the rapidly declining quality of literacy education in the country is also driving the high demand for this solution. Many matriculants are joining the workforce with inadequate English literacy skills. It has been reported that eight out of 10 South African children cannot read for meaning in any of the official languages. This places the quality of literacy education in the country under the spotlight. At this stage, students should be able to locate explicit information and understand straightforward events and reasons for actions.

They also need this ability to learn other subjects from Grade 4 onwards. Many of these children will not cope with school and drop out or complete their basic education with the bear minimum in terms of literacy skills. The situation compounds our already high functional illiteracy levels, especially in poor areas that have very poor education systems. For more reading on the topic, refer to This report highlights the extent of the crisis and the need to address it via quality adult literacy training.

English writing skills

English writing skills differ to those that are used to communicate orally. The latter relies heavily on the speakers’ tone and body language. Written communication, on the other hand, relies on semantics, punctuation and grammar to relay information accurately. Employees who have completed our adult literacy training are able to write very effectively in the written word. Their writing is clear and concise. They know how to use active and passive voice; a purposeful tone; the correct grammar; and appropriate punctuation. Employees also understand the technical facets of English writing. These include English writing conventions, style guides and formatting.

English writing improves business performance

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Sound English writing improves overall business performance in many other ways. This is the reason that so many companies operating across a broad spectrum of industries continue to invest in our quality adult literacy training. Importantly, sound English writing provides a permanent record of events. These records enable management to better or rectify processes. This is to improve productivity, efficiency, accuracy and safety in the workplace. Moreover, these records serve as important evidence during legal proceedings and business disputes, as well as industrial relations-related activities.

English writing skills ensure clarity

Good English writing skills ensure clarity in the workplace. Readers of well-written communication are able to understand what is being communicated by the writer. This avoids misinterpretation. A supervisor or manager will be able to assess whether the writer of an update understands what is required of him or her. Importantly, clear writing can be easily referenced at any time that it is needed.

Employees with sound English writing skills can provide updates on work or communicate any queries that they have quickly and in a clear and concise manner. Co-workers and supervisors, therefore, do not have to wait for feedback and seek additional clarification on what is being communicated. Bear in mind another significant advantage of writing over verbal communication in the workplace. Writing enables employees and employers to relay an important message to a large group of people simultaneously. However, this benefit can only be fully realised if the communication is legible. A poorly worded communication undermines the intended benefit of this method of communicating as it wastes time.

Employees who have completed our adult literacy training demonstrate competency when they write to their peers, managers and subordinates. In modern workplaces, they communicate in the written word via many different channels. Among others, they include memos, texts and emails. Poor writing is usually a strong sign that there are English literacy gaps in your company and that you need to consult an adult literacy training provider for assistance. It also casts a shadow of doubt on an employees’ ability to perform according to expectation. This is despite how proficient they may be at their jobs.

English writing improves industrial relations

English writing improves industrial relations. This is considering that it minimises misunderstandings that lead to tension in the workplace. If not resolved swiftly, tension can escalate into larger issues that may even require costly and interruptive legal intervention. 

Companies that invest in initiatives such as adult literacy training to improve internal communication also build strong teams. This is because clear and concise communication helps team members to understand their respective roles and responsibilities. This reduces stress that hinders productivity; limits misunderstandings that lead to missed deadlines; and eradicates a hostile company culture that is not conducive to teamwork.

English writing skills boost morale

English writing skills boost morale in the workplace. This is because an ability to communicate efficiently enables employees to perform their jobs to the best of their ability. They know what needs to be done; when the assignment needs to be completed; who is involved in the project and the role that they are required to fulfil; and how to do it. Employees also know that they are being heard and understood. Moreover, they are confident that they have the necessary support structures in place to help them improve their performance.

Many companies report that employees who participated in their adult literacy training programmes are also happier and, therefore, more motivated and loyal.

Equipped with English writing skills, employees are also more confident. Certainly, there is every reason to be proud of an ability to produce a well-written document that impresses your supervisors and managers. This is in addition to being able to express yourself and your ideas clearly in the written word. English writing skills also helps your employees to better organise their thought processes – an ability that improves all aspects of their life.

English writing training expert

Triple E Training is an English writing training expert. This is just one aspect of the company’s quality adult literacy training solution that is equipping many employees with the workplace literacy skills that they need to perform at their peak. Learn how we are also able to help you break communication barriers in your company.

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